Wednesday, December 15, 2010

State workers take a 3% hit? Big deal. It needs to be 30%.

Apparently unknown to the democratian but mentioned by Lew Waters in a comment about the stupidity of the commissioner's pay raise in that paper, is a press release by Queen Chrissy that tells us she's got our collective backs... because she whacked state employee pay by a step increase or so of 3 whole percent.

(The democratian doesn't mention it because, well, if it's important to the people of SW Washington, you'll read about it somewhere else.)

Big deal.

It should be 30.

There seems to be some confusion on the part of the government workers around here, so let me help you with that.

You work for US, see? US thinks you're paid too damned much. I'm self employed, have worked in my field for 23 years, and my income is off 54% or so from 2 years ago. But when my clients cut back on their pay, I never complained once and work even harder now, because I recognize that they COULD have cut me loose altogether.

I'm degreed (UW/EWU) and I have also worked for the state.

But when I went to work for the state, I realized who payed me... who employed me. I knew that if I wasn't paid enough, I could quit.

After 6 years, I was hired away for another job in the private sector. And now I work for myself.

In the midst of this horrific recession, what I know is this: you people are paid too much, and your benefits are far too expensive. We need to reduce your pay a great deal more... at least 20%.

Because at the end of the day, if it's not enough to keep you, then you can feel free to quit and leave... and 500 people will apply at and do your job for a hell of a lot less money then you do.

"Shared sacrifice" is not some arcane concept that passes government employees by. Like me, you people employed by government made that choice. No one forces you to stay, but I am damned sure forced to pay your salary.

The people who pay you owe you nothing. We face a major deficit in large part BECAUSE of your pay and benefits... and only God knows how badly we're gonna get screwed over YOUR retirement.

So, knock off the whining, take realistic and large pay cuts... or quit.

It's up to you. And when you leave?

You won't be missed, and your spot won't be vacant for long.

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