Saturday, December 18, 2010

Local democratian cluelessness about the increasingly high office vacancy rate.

Of course office vacancies are going to "climb." Have you been downtown recently to check that ghost town out? The vast majority of office space is within the confines of the zoo known as the City of Vancouver.

Vancouver, as anyone who can read knows, is hamstrung by a Liar as mayor, and a government that has done and is doing everything they can to turn it into a Gulag for business.

Businesses moving into The Swamp are so rare that whenever any chooses to make that horrific mistake, it gets a front page, above the fold, with pictures story in the local democratian.

If "Six-Pack Joes Donut Emporium," with 3 employees were to open up, the rag would do a feature on it.

With a downtown mafia of clueless screw-the-people types like Ginger Metcalf, with moronic fees and head taxes... and in those offices in downtown proper; with parking that would have been obsolete 100 years ago... and a Stalinist approach to governing when it comes to that steaming pile of a bridge/loot rail project and its accompanying taxes/massive negative impact on the local economy, what business in it's right mind would want to move into an economic morass like that?

So, when the rag does another in their massive snivel about Vancouver series... while doing nothing to address the underlying causes of this insanity... well, is it any wonder that no business in their right mind would set foot in Vantucky? I know I don't. If I can buy it or find it outside Vancouver city limits, then that's what I do.

And it's going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.


Anonymous said...

CCP, if you look on Mill Plain along its whole length, St. Johns, from Ft. Vancouver Way to out in the hinterlands, Highway 99 from Downtown to 134th Street and 164th Avenue along its length and the clark county choo choo (chelatchie prairie railroad?)

I would ASK both the local snooze media, clark county commissioners and the city of vancouver council, WHERE are all of these new jobs?

No, I don't want to hear about how SEH cannabalized Hewlett Packards old area, people picking off the last vestiges of the Georgia Pacific Mill, the old Boise Cascade development site...

I WANT To hear all these new businesses that they continue to crow that they can bring in. Time to pay the piper kids, we have been in this recession for almost near 3 years and its only going to get worse unless we wake up AND get competitive!

And it won't take too much work for Boeing to literally do a slow death of a million papercuts to move their operation to another state that is hungry for the jobs. How are we not going to be as competitive as South Carolina is to land a company like Boeing?

We are not living in the 1940's anymore with the same idiotic, complacency union rules that are going to strangle us as a competitive power. Luckily, the tech sector and its employees here in the United States (and here in the Pacific Northwest) learned how to nimble, operate on shoe string budgets and expect nothing in return.

K.J. Hinton said...

Well written.