Monday, November 01, 2010

Why did the wheels come off for the democrats?

One of the axioms of politics for candidates and parties that has stood the test of time is simple and to the point:

"Underpromise and over-deliver."

Obama and the whackjobs running the democrats in Congress is stuck with fallout of the exact opposite: they dramatically OVER-promised and FRIGHTENINGLY under-performed.

With Obama, Reid and Pelosi: lie after lie. Failure after failure.

During the Obama regime, I have repeatedly stated that he and his cronies have "the tinnist ear in the history of politics."

The fringe left, of course, didn't market themselves that way to get elected. Every living income earner in the country today is facing horrific tax increase starting in 2 months, increases that fly in the face of the Empty Suit in Chief's promises not to raise taxes "one dime" if you made $250,000 a year or less.

The classic "pass this $800 billion union bail out package and unemployment won't go over 8%" lie. The thousands of ear marks, including those that the state cow are so proud of.

The passage of the "we can add insurance coverage of 45 million more people and it won't cost us any more" pie-in-the-sky math. The "are they out of their minds?" aspect of attempting to force people to buy private insurance coverage... the threat of jail if, like me, people flatly refuse.

The effort by the clown prince to force service members to buy health insurance to treat their combat wounds and injuries.

The failure to show that Obama understands... the "Neroian" element of his weekly White House parties and golf games while the Nation endures economic agony.

The horrifically expensive vacations.

Clinton was an effective president because when he told us that he "felt our pain," people were dumb enough to believe him. Obama is so insulated from reality that he doesn't even know what pain IS, let along shown an ability to feel ours.

My income is off 54%... and this moron parties, plays golf, and goes on vacation.

His determination, based entirely on his political arrogance, to pass Obamacare over the strenuous objection of the people; his failure to grasp the true meaning of insurgent candidacies such as Scott Brown in Massachusetts taking Ted Kennedy's senate seat... his disregard for tactics and strategy over "political considerations" in Afghanistan and Iraq which amount to strengthening and emboldening our enemies...

Pelosis' moronic statements, like "we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it," the idiotic failures to allow us to have time to review the porkulous and Obamacare before they were voted on... multi-thousand page bills passed without the opportunity or concern of the public allowed to impact these socialist agendas.

And the knee jerk defense of blaming the GOP... the kind of stupidity where a Biden says "we had no idea how bad it was." Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid spend months talking down the economy to get elected. Then Biden tells us they had "no idea how bad" it was? "How many times have we heard that "this is the worst recession since the great depression" as if the Carter Administration recession, much worse then this with it's double digit unemployment AND inflation AND interest rates, had never happened.

What makes the blaming of the GOP problematic is simple, if not subliminal: if Obama and his cronies had turned it around... would they be taking credit for that? The problem for dems is that if they would take all the credit... then they have to bear all the blame, since the responsibility isn't situational... and Obama's lies ring as true as Clinton telling us that he "did not have sex with that woman."

Obama and everyone else in government, regardless of party, need to understand: if you don't listen... if you lie... if you allow your arrogance to run your agenda, there will be a day of reckoning.
"Underpromise and over-deliver."
I'm well aware that the GOP brand is damaged as well. And it should be.

When the GOP was in control, they lost sight of the goal and became that which we despise.

But there's damned little other realistic alternative to the corrupt, short-sighted arrogant left.

In this case, we ask ourselves: has the left made things better?

I dunno. Is double digit unemployment, achieved on their watch, "better?" Is a horrific mortgage default rate "better?" Is a horrifically weakened dollar "better?" Is a clueless foreign policy "better?" Is rank mistreatment of the military and veterans "better?" Is a mind-numbing debt of trillions "better?"

That leads to races becoming competitive, such as the 3rd CD, where we're threatened with a GOP candidate winning who otherwise wouldn't even have survived to make it to the ballot... and may result in someone, Ridgefield Barbie, otherwise wholly unqualified to serve as dogcatcher becoming a member of Congress... even though she's going to be a likely one termer.

And here at the state level, that translates to the private sector shrinking while the democrat expectation that we pay more continues essentially unabated, leading to an $800,000,000 tax increase in the midst of this recession.

So, for the first time in a long time, there is a real possibility that the GOP can make gains in the.... 49th.

Both Moeller and Stonier, running in the 17th, fit the profile of a typical Obama democrat.

Arrogant; tax and spenders, socialist leanings. To his credit, Moeller is incapable of moderating his political positions, making him one of the more unique members of a party marked by incumbents and candidates like Stonier running away from their Moeller-like political positions.

(Yes, Monica, we know you support the bridge, tolls and the state income tax)

Tim Probst paints himself as a moderate, but his re-election helps to insure the same fringe-right leadership that screwed us with tax increases last session.

Even then, Probst markets himself as a Republican. Can he win by out-Republicaning the Republican?


County races? Most people don't care who the Assessor is, for example. So what we have here is a wave where independents are going right at the rate of 3 out of 4.

Republicans may win EVERY county race, particularly where the dems are slimy like county commissioner and prosecutor. (As a brief disclaimer, the anti-Stuart campaign has been badly mishandled, and it's unlikely Easy Money will be defeated.)

But as the political slaughter rolls across the country tomorrow night, the left can show some introspection and understanding that in this case, their fish rotted from the head down.

More later.

1 comment:

Gr8mochas said...

I tend to believe that I am one who represents mainstream America. I don't ask too much except to be able to live a comfortable life, have a job that supports myself and my family and be able to take a vacation once in awhile. My needs aren't that great and I have no problem helping others who legitimately need it. I tend to believe that people are good and would rather conduct themselves honestly than choosing the alternative. Perhaps that is naive and I began to think so tonight when I realized I had been duped by a Democratic scam on Facebook. An app has been passing around encouraging people to "commit to vote". How innocent can that be? It's important for us to get out and vote tomorrow so I sent it around to many of my friends. However I found out today that that innocent little app produced an email sent out today by that I received as well as anyone I sent that app to. This email espoused views that I didn't agree with, nor did I even know that these people were going to send things around to people I know, my my name, talking about things that I don't agree with. How underhanded. The democrats in my state are sending out information about themselves without including the fact that they are democrats. At least we can check that out. But this is downright trickery and if it is being done in the name of the president and I can't imagine without his knowledge, then what kind of people are asking us to put our trust in them? This is a clear example of the at all costs. I don't like it, I don't agree with it and won't support anyone who does anything like that. You ask why the wheels came off for the democrats? This is a perfect example.