Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When Republicans are stupid: 8 GOP Senators vote to continue earmarks.

In an ongoing effort to prove the naysayers who frequently tell us that the only difference between democrats and Republicans is the spelling of their respective names, a fine group of RINOS who either didn't get the message when they nearly lost (Murkowski) or who think we'll forget when their time comes voted with democrats to continue their4 time-honored, pork-laden tradition of paying off campaign contributors with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of OUR money... all so they can get even more campaign contributions.

The Infernal Eight?
The eight Republicans in opposition were: Sens. Robert Bennett of Utah; Thad Cochran of Mississippi; Susan Collins of Maine; James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Richard Lugar of Indiana; Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Richard Shelby of Alabama, and George Voinovich of Ohio. Bennett, Cochran, Murkowski, Shelby and Voinovich all serve on the Appropriations Committee.
Proving the GOP was correct in getting rid of Bennett in Utah at their convention (No telling how much MORE damage he's going to do before he's gone) and Murkowski in Alaska (One wonders: what would the election outcome in Alaska had been if she had campaigned on continuing her peculiar tradition?) This kind of thing has typically been cast as the doing of the democrats. In short, we've come to expect this from the leftists who work so hard at ripping us off via our taxes and then spend those precious dollars on whatever gets them the most campaign funding in return.

I realize that, relative to a trillion dollar plus budget, the few billions these clowns spend on their buddies, as despicable as it is, isn't much.

But in the era of "shared sacrifice," it's about damned time that we see our leaders at EVERY level, well, share some of the damned sacrifice.

And that example could have began here. These prima donna's COULD have lead by example. They COULD have told us that they get it.

These 8 morons clearly don't.

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