Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Tin-Ear Obama Administration and the TSA: Stupidity personified.

Obama's legacy as president has already been formed: rampant ideology, complete stupidity, and the tinnest ear in all of politics, a phrase I've coined on more then one occasion.

Add to that the "War of the TSA."

Obama has been very big on his "opiate of the masses" crap. One of the political truisms that have stood the test of time is that, particularly when it comes to complicated matters, people will frequently confuse "motion" with "action." It worked for the Nazi's in Germany... Obama clearly believes it's working here.

And the people here used to... until the lies started flowing.

Like a currency, the value of a presidency or any government is in direct proportion to the faith the people place in it.

Obama's presidency is value-less, because he's made the cardinal mistake of lying to get what he wants. Lied about the porkulous (8% unemployment? Really?) and lied about health care (You can keep your doctor and you can keep your plan.)

The message sent on November 2?

That the fringe left, who has been operating in some dream-like, unreal state where the voice of the people is to be ignored, will eventually pay the price... before we, as a Nation can no longer afford them.

To our government: you will listen... or you will pay.

Well, what the people know is that, even after this moronic dog and pony show was implemented in an abortive effort to draw our attention away from an economy that is, to put it charitably, "moribund;" and how badly the Russians hosed the empty suit in chief and what a miserable job he did during his most recent colossal waste of tens of millions in Asia and the G-20 and the ongoing agony of a clueless domestic policy where lies have been, and continue to be, the order of the day... is that these moronic new policies implemented by the TSA, where everyone is a criminal who must prove their innocence... and where these policies about xray machines and frisking have cost us hundreds of millions of dollars and the respect of the world and the people of this country... while none of it makes us any safer.

We have a gaping whole in our borders where those who are not even allowed here are free to come and go as they please. Meanwhile, we have agents feeling up our children and touching us in places where they would otherwise be arrested.

All in the name of "security."

And now, we have this to look forward to:

$11,000 fine, arrest possible for some who refuse airport scans and pat downs

Instead of actually doing something, a group of high end slimeballs who are not treated the way they would have us treated (When was the last time any security guard ran her hands over the boobs of the Klingon Princess to get on an airplane? When has Janet Napolitano ever had her crotch inspected to get on an aircraft?)

And how easy it is to make others suffer, all in the name of some nonsensical crap about "security" where the machines can't "see" everything, and the minimum wage security types engage in activities that a TRUE airline expert in security, El Al (Israel's airline) says are not needed and are a massive waste of time.

Yes... confusing motion with action. That's what this disaster of a fringe-left administration, run by an empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot is doing... for nothing.

Just consider this another of the countless political nails slammed into his one-term, political coffin.

1 comment:

Lew said...

So, we should pay for being sexually molested and TSA doesn't even treat us to dinner and a movie first.

And, who are the ones exempted from the government sanctioned molestation?

The very ones that have been smuggling in the weapons and suicide packs all along.

We could stop this easily if we wanted to, STOP FLYING!!!!

If the airlines begin losing big money, they will take the Obama administration to task to end this lunacy.

Remember after Bush grounded the aircraft after 9/11?

We the People hold the power if we would only exercise it and stop being sheeple led around by our noses.