Tuesday, November 09, 2010

The State Senate should reject Harper.

Who IS Harper?

Nick Harper is the product of the corrupt election in the 38th District that cost Democrat State Senator Jean Berkey of Everett her seat in the State Senate.

As a Republican, one might ask "what difference does it make? A democrat is a democrat is a democrat. Why should we care?"

We should care because this election ripoff was orchestrated by the Mafia arm of the state democrats known as Moxie Media hit man (hit woman?) Lisa MacLean. We should care because this guy was elected as the result of a massive fraud.

Berkey is requesting that the Senate, still democrat-controlled, make the decision to reject Harper's election, forcing a special election for the seat.

I support that.

To seat the product of an obviously corrupt process is to reward those who would violate our laws. No such reward should be allowed.

Based on the results of the election, democrat voters will ultimately decide the outcome of such an election, so this isn't an issue of partisanship, or the idea that somehow the GOP might swoop in and "steal" the seat.

This, instead, is an issue of taking at least THIS opportunity to address an obvious situation where our system was corrupted. It will serve to help punish those behind this corruption, and it will result in the disinfectant of the bright light of day being poured on those who willingly manipulated our system.

The question is this: Does the democrat Senate leadership have the integrity needed to take this step?

In THIS Senate? Are you kidding?

Why would I even ask.

1 comment:

Lew said...

Not vacating that election is akin to condoning the illicit behavior and action of Moxie Media.

But to Democrats, a win is a win, no matter how illegal.

I agree. Nullify it and hold a special election for the seat.