Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shocking News: Laird is a moron!

Do you ever notice the ceaseless babble from those who would assign a minimum $1300 per year fee to the families and commuters of over 65000 people who have to go to work across the river every day? A fee they won't have to pay?

Well, Brancaccio's attack mutt, John Laird, who has never been above using figures to lie, comes out with more of his useless, self-serving, he-ain't-gonna-have-to-pay-for-it-drivel today, whining about tolls as tradition.

I freely admit that, in the past, short term, low-cost tolls (The 520 floating bridge toll when it was constructed, was 35 cents for a few years.... 3, maybe, and then the toll booths were taken down) tolls have been used to pay for projects.

But no one is talking about a "few years" here in conjunction with the horrific, unnecessary, unwanted and unneeded I-5 Bridge/loot rail project.

No, what we're talking is $1300 or more per year indefinitely. What were talking about is putting single Moms back on welfare. What we're talking about are the bridger/looter cheerleaders like Moron John NOT having to pay for this steaming crap pile.

So, once again, we have idiots like Laird trying to use the play\ground argument that doesn't apply that, well, "every other kid is doing it."

Most parent's response to that weak dodge?

Some version of "Well, if every other kid was jumping off a bridge to their deaths, would you do that as well?"
Laird, Brancaccio, Stuart and Leavitt are stuck on stupid. The Goebellian Model of lying long enough, loudly enough and often enough is never going to work here.
And every one-sided, moronic effort by the likes of Laird, who will not be among the 65000 who have to pay this extortive toll to go to work just makes the despicable rag infesting our community that much more scummy... as it does those who work there as the institutional, we're smarter then you are, the opposition is to be attacked and belittled at all cost cancer on our community.
Laird and the rag he works for are snakes. And if we buy their arguments, then we have no right to complain when this bites us.
Because we knew what they were when we let them in.


Anonymous said...

If you do a little bit of detective work kelly, the Hot lane on Highway 167 (up in Seattle) IS or is going to be tolled soon. So its not just the columbia river crossing project that is going to get hit.

Anonymous said...

You might want to add this one to "stuck on stupid" list.