Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nature and politics both abhor a vacuum. Obama is failing the test.

One of the problems with electing an empty suit, be it Obama or Ridgefield Barbie is, that at some point, the call will come, and they won't know what to do or say.

This is one of those problems.

The call has come. And Obama doesn't have a clue.

The response should have been immediate and overwhelming. It should have been a disproportionate military response.

We should have launched massive air strikes that would cause the NorKs to go back to the stone age.

We should have bombed every port. We should have bombed every electrical station. We should have bombed every bridge. We should have destroyed every air field and NorK Navy ship.

That we didn't respond this way when the NorKs sank the South Korean frigate is what brought this attack on... and what WILL bring MORE attacks on.

Yeah, I get that the Chinese might get upset.

But the Chinese are as financially vested in all of this as we are.

When you owe the bank hundreds of billions, you pretty much own the bank. How would declaring war on US, retaliating as required under the SEATO treatgy, be in the best interests of the Chinese?

Further, does our total lack of response make the Chinese less likely, or more likely to engage in this coordinated adventurism? (Does anyone think that the NorKs launched this attack WITHOUT Chinese permission?)

How far away are we from a coordinated puish from the Chinese and the Russians, who become increasingly emboldened by every one of Obama's myriad of failures at every level?

Obama is a clueless idiot. The rest of the world had figured that out. Expect more and more envelope pushing like this because we don't have a leader... we have a manager. And a manager cannot lead this country during perilous times.

Koreans died last night. Many more are going to die... but none of this will, for example, have any impact on the big party held at the White House every week while Americans suffer and we stumble into disaster after disaster in foreign policy.

Inept. Incompetent. Universally reviled. Not trustworthy... and weak.

These are deadly characteristics... and accurate... about the world's only increasingly irrelevant superpower.

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