Tuesday, November 09, 2010

My heartburn with the CCRW and their "Veteran's Dinner."

Here's the notice:

Tribute to America's Veterans

Please join the Clark County Republican Women and their very special guest
Greg Georgoff.

Greg is affiliated with the Portland Chapter of the Disabled American Veterans.

Enjoy a wonderful dinner while we pay tribute to America's finest, the American Veteran.

The Club Green Meadows
7703 N.E. 72nd Ave.
Vancouver, Washington 98661
Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010
Time: 6 PM
Cost: $20.00
Raffel and Door Prize for your enjoyment.

Please RSVP ASAP to Jeanne at 360-834-0734 or
jeannej@pacifier.com by November 9th

I've got heartburn with this because of the following:

First, I did not serve my country for 14 plus years so that a political organization could use the sacrifice of millions to make political hay... or fund raise.

Second, this is a fund raiser for Clark County Republican Women, Any kind of "Tribute" to us is merely a vehicle to raise money.

Third, "Veteran's Tributes" don't require "door prizes." or "raffles."

Fourth, Vancouver has a DAV Chapter: there was no need to go to Portland to get... well... some guy who was a member of the DAV when we had that over here. This smacks of some sort of a deal to me.

Fifth, if ANY organization is going to use Veterans as a way to shill their fundraiser, they first, need to make it clear that it IS a fundraiser and not a "Tribute to America's Veterans."

This kind of thing really torques me. And it makes me wonder: are any of the CCRW Veterans?


Lew said...

While I know the CCRW has done many good things over the years, hosting forums and luncheons to hear candidates and such, I join in with your heartburn.

As a Life Member of the DAV myself, if you are going to do for Veterans then do for Veterans.

Do not use us as a fundraiser for yourselves.

There are many ways to raise funds. Using Veterans, especially those disabled due to their service is not one of them.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell are you? There is no name to this comments that are deliberately personally demeaning about a group of women you know nothing about. So what you served your country for 14 years. When did you serve? Did you serve with my with my father who was in a B17 over Germany in WWII? Did you serve with my brother-in-law when he was killed in Vietnam and received the Bronze star. Or did you serve with my 100% disabled husband? How dare you attack a disabled veteran because you personally don't like the Republicans. Well there is another party and you can go to it. You already sound like a jackass. You know nothing about our veterans dinner where the raffle prize goes to a veterans organization or charity. Last year we gave $200.00 from our dinner the Support our troops to go to military families in need. I have to explain this to you because I'm sure you have no idea about these charities because you come across rather selfish. You are owed no explanation about our group but you have malaigned a very good group so I'm going to educate you. If you are ignorant than maybe you can learn something that will make you stop next time and get your facts straight. But if you are stupid as I suspect then there is no hope for you. I plan to let all the women in my group know by reading them this blog just what kind of insulting pig you are. I am assuming some of them are your friends so if I were you I'd watch out because this time you have overstepped.
Micheline Doan
member of the CCRW

Anonymous said...

Let me see now...is there anything else that I need to add to the above comment? (as if you need to know) At least 2 of our members are veterans..one of which we honored last year because of her service in WW2. We will ask all veterans to stand & be recognized at our dinner meeting Thursday night.
Yes, we do know about our local DAV chapter & office. In fact, I was just there & had a very pleasant meeting with Jimmy, a service officer. Have you ever been there? We appreciate the DAV, regardless of their location!
Before one starts condemning, one should obtain ALL the facts....Right??

K.J. Hinton said...


Wow. I'm.... stunned. At least two. Overwhelming.

The fact is this: Your organization, which has few if any Veterans... well, at least two... is a non-Veteran organization making money off the service and tributes to those of us who actually served.

That's all I need to know. It's ALL the facts I need to know.

Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Well...I must answer this basic charge that you have. The Clark County Republican Women is not considered a money-making organization and we don't consider ourselves as such. And our tribute to Veterans is just that..a recognition of their service to our country, NOT to make money.
Now, you are accusing us of having monetary motives in regard to the dinner. I must say for myself, that whenever I have perceived to judge the motives of others, I have been proven wrong in most cases & have gotten myself in deep relational trouble
In speaking for our organization, we have been approaching this dinner with pure hearts, good consciences and a sincere faith that we are doing right. That's all we can do.
While it's true that most of our women are not veterans, we are the wives, widows & sisters of veterans and our service should be respected, even though we were not on the front lines, we were upholding our men & women with prayer and sacrifice.
You are, of course, free to judge our motives, but the Final Judge is the one that we must give an account to....not you!

K.J. Hinton said...

For many, Obama isn't considered to be a flaming, fringe left whack job, either.

I'm not concerned with the over-all reputation of your organization.

My ire at this issue is not limited to just the CCRW. I add to that "Veteran's Day Sales" and "Memorial Day Sales." I won't participate in such a sale, nor will I patronize any retail establishment which holds such things.

I cannot speak for anyone but myself. I am also not concerned about the issue of "motive" as much as I am the issue of "outcomes." In this case, the organization stands to have some financial gain. I do not believe that any organization, regardless of political or business affiliation should profit off of Veterans... particularly on this Day of Remembrance.

Clearly, you have no problem with that. And, of course, that is where we will have to disagree, but then, I bring the perspective of a Veteran... and you, apparently, do not.

You state:

"In speaking for our organization, we have been approaching this dinner with pure hearts, good consciences and a sincere faith that we are doing right. That's all we can do."

That, of course, is NOT "all you can do."

What you COULD do, and what I believe you SHOULD do, is turn over every net dime to whichever Veteran's organization you like.

If CCRW kept precisely none of the money, even a small amount like the $100 the email related to, then I'd have no beef with CCRW.

Since I enlisted almost 4 decades ago, I became aware of groups and people who take unfair advantage of those who've served us the most.

Failing to mention on the invite that it was a CCRW fundraiser could have only been one of two things: an oversight that could have been easily fixed, or a deliberate omission to avoid conversations like this one.

Everyone is entitled to have a perspective. You certainly are, and I certainly am. Just like the years away from my home and family along with that pesky First Amendment give me the right to post it.

No one required you to respond to my post at all. So if there is any judgment going on here, it isn't mine. But when I see something to be unjust, there are no sacred cows and I have and will speak out about those issues that concern me.

And while you may claim that I am not due any accounting, I note that you've gone to an extraordinary effort to provide one.

Again, thank you for stopping by.