Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Micheline Doan stops by to, well, disagree with my take on the CCRW. She's wrong. But you can read, and you can decide.

Here is Doan's perspective on my post regarding the so-called "Veteran's Dinner," as she left it in the comments section below, unedited or unabridged.

Who the hell are you? There is no name to this comments that are deliberately personally demeaning about a group of women you know nothing about. So what you
served your country for 14 years. When did you serve? Did you serve with my with
my father who was in a B17 over Germany in WWII? Did you serve with my brother-in-law when he was killed in Vietnam and received the Bronze star. Or did you serve with my 100% disabled husband? How dare you attack a disabled veteran because you personally don't like the Republicans. Well there is another party and you can go to it. You already sound like a jackass. You know nothing about our veterans dinner where the raffle prize goes to a veterans organization or charity. Last year we gave $200.00 from our dinner the Support our troops to go to military families in need. I have to explain this to you because I'm sure you have no idea about these charities because you come across rather selfish. You are owed no explanation about our group but you have malaigned[sic] a very good group so I'm going to educate you. If you are ignorant than maybe you can learn something that will make you stop next time and get your facts straight. But if you are stupid as I suspect then there is no hope for you. I plan to let all the women in my group know by reading them this blog just what kind of insulting pig you are. I am assuming some of them are your friends so if I were you I'd watch out because this time you have overstepped.

Micheline Doan member of the CCRW

Don't you just love the big-tent, diversity of opinions openness fostered by this type of pure Nazi mentality?

I publish this here, because almost anyone disagreeing with me is first, entitled to do so and second, entitled to have that perspective published in this blog, so I can take a shot at responding.

Isn't freedom swell?

So, here goes:

Who the hell I am is pretty well described in the lower left column of this blog.

But right this very second, I am what you are not: a Veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States.

You see, you are what I refer to as a "coat holder." You are a member of an organization of "coat holders."

Coat holders are those who take advantage of Veterans but who, for whatever the reason, never felt compelled to strap on the uniform of the United States because, after all, there was always someone else to protect us from all "enemies, foreign and domestic."

Who am I? I'm the guy who found himself in snow up to his ass with an M-16 in my hands on the East German border while my classmates were still playing basketball for Meadowdale High School in Lynnwood . I'm the guy who put his entire life on hold to defend this country as an Armored Recon Scout, a crew served weapons instructor, a trainer of thousands, and someone who stood a post on that Wall.

What have you done? I mean you seem to KNOW people who sacrificed... but I missed the part where you wrote that YOU were a Veteran. Did you just overlook that?

Who you know that actually served as if that means something is as moronic as that empty suit we just elected to Congress telling me that her ten years of absence from the district right before McMorris and Boldt muscled her appointment; partying, interning and going to school was the "exact some thing as serving in the military."

Well guess what. It ain't.

You don't really give a damn about Veterans, using us to make your organization money aside, because if you really did care, you would have hacked your fingers off before you wrote:

So what you served your country for 14 years.

Yes, yes I did.

And I do so respect your appreciation for that service.

You see, in the 38 years since I enlisted in the Army during that little tiff in SE Asia, I have discovered there are three kinds of people: those who served; those, like you, who didn't, and those, like you, who want to gain, either directly or indirectly, from the efforts of those who did.

My family tree is similar to yours. My father at Pearl Harbor; my dead Army Veteran brother and my totally debilitated, unable to speak and barely walk Navy Veteran brother.

But the thing is.... who you know... who you're related to... all of that is completely irrelevant. You're either a Veteran, or you're not.

And you're not. The rest is eyewash.

And you're either using Veterans to make money for your organization, or you're not.

And you are. The rest is eyewash.

And the other thing is, this "dinner" is either a political fundraiser or it isn't. And if it's a political fund raiser, then your use of the phrase "Tribute to America's Veterans" is far more despicable then anything I wrote in my post calling your organization out.

And it is a political fundraiser. And your invite did fail to mention that.

And it does use the sacrifice of others to make YOUR organization money.

See, your faux outrage doesn't change the fact that nowhere in your diatribe did you write that I had lied about the dinner.

You write:

You know nothing about our veterans dinner where the raffle prize goes to a veterans organization or charity.
Au contraire.

This is what I know, received after asking from the anonymous source at

CCRW will likely receive a net gain of around $100 after meals are paid for and they will be donating $150.00 to the DAV. They operate on a very small budget.

That response is what led me to post my position on the dinner and the organization behind it. I believe that if, in fact, it's a "Veteran's Dinner," then every dime should go to Veterans. Period. All of it. Clearly, you don't share that view. And that's what's driving this.

I wrote 5 specific things in the post that seems to make you so, well, upset. You don't seem to refute any of them.

I wrote that I didn't serve so that a political organization could make money off my efforts or those of millions of others under the guise of a "tribute" to us Veterans.

You don't dispute that.

I wrote that this is a fund raiser for your organization.

You don't dispute that.

I wrote that "Veteran's Tributes" don't require door prizes or raffles.

You don't dispute that.

I wrote that there is a Vancouver Chapter of the DAV, and it seemed kind of, well, odd that your organization would overlook that to get someone "affiliated" (whatever that means) with the Portland DAV to speak. I indicated that it smacked of a "deal."

At the end of the day, your sturm and drang aside, you don't seem to dispute that, either.

And finally, I wrote that since this is, at least in part, a CCRW Fundraiser, your announcements and invites should make that clear... again, something you don't seem to dispute.

And here, of course, is where I point out that as a former Washington State 5th District American Legion Commander, a former Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter President and a former American Legion Post Vice Commander, I have done more and given more for Veterans before breakfast then you have during the entirety of your life.

That I disagree with this single instance of what you are doing "maligns" nothing. That I pointed out that it's kind of bizarre that you get some guy from Portland when we've got a bunch over here to speak attacks no one. That your panties are in such a bunch and you seem so very angry indicates to me that you are protesting just a bit too much.

As for who you direct to this blog, I really don't care. Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell your enemy's friends... sky write it.

And while you are many things, "me" ain't one of them. I write what I feel and what I believe. Unlike you, I have EARNED THE PRIVILEGE THAT THE SACRIFICES OF SO MANY OTHERS HAVE JUST HANDED TO YOU ON A SILVER PLATTER.

Tomorrow morning at 0700, I'll be lowering my US Flag/POWMIA Flag down the flagpole to Half-Mast. Around 9 hours later, I'll raise it back up to it's Full Mast position, where, lit up in the dark, it will wave at 24 feet, like it does every night... and every day.

And instead of thinking about the purity of what that gesture is supposed to mean, I'll be thinking about a group of spiteful women who view this special day as a way to make money.

Because, I've got to tell you... as a Veteran, you can take your "tribute" and shove it.

Who the hell am I?

I'm an American. I'm a Veteran. I'm an elected GOP PCO in the 18th District. Like you, I am exercising my right to speak my mind. You, of course, may exercise your right not to read my words.

And while my name is as irrelevant as the service and sacrifice of people you know or are related to somehow provides you with some sort of self-justification for your diatribe (Bulletin: it doesn't), I'll end your suspense.

I am the worst-kept secret in blogdom. My name is Hinton. And unlike you, I am a Veteran.


Lew said...

Sadly, this is what I have come to expect from many members of the Clark County GOP Board. Disagree with them and prepare for the wrath that follows.

We both saw it when we didn't fall in lock step behind their establishment candidate when she decided the opportunity for an easy elevation to federal office presented itself.

Turned out not to be as easy as she expected, so the steam rollers were brought out to roll over any who didn't toe the party line.

And it continues.

In my comment on the earlier post, even though I acknowledged the CCRW had accomplished many good things in the past, I agreed with your assessment of heartburn over the CCRW keeping a significant portion of monies raised for Veterans for themselves.

As a Life Member of the Disabled American Veterans and a Viet Nam Veteran, We have every right, indeed the duty to speak out if we see something that seems amiss.

The event is billed as "CCRW Tribute to Veterans" and "a wonderful dinner and tribute to America's finest, the American Veteran."

Nothing in the notice indicates that CCRW intends to keep any portion of the net proceeds to fund themselves.

Most tributes I have been part of or aware of donated 100% of the net proceeds to the cause.

If that was the plan I'd support this "Tribute" and offer what help I could.

I would offer assistance in other endeavors to raise funds for the CCRW and have used my blog in the past to promote their efforts.

Unfortunately, I too am on the Clark GOP's shit list over my support of a Republican candidate and not the establishment candidate of choice.

Note to Micheline: I cut liberals no slack whatsoever for trying to stand upon the accomplishments and sacrifices of others. If you cannot stand on your own, then sit down and don't stand at all.

My Dad served during WW2 and came out of it with severely distorted left shoulder from surgery and barely capable to use his left arm. Everyone of my uncles served and carried their demons, one committing suicide in the mid-1960's.

One cousin retired from the Army as a Major in Military Intelligence and who just happened to be stationed in Munich, Germany at the time of the 1972 Olympic massacre of the Israeli Olympic Team.

Many of my cousins served about the time I did, one of them committing suicide too in the mid-1970's, we believe over Viet Nam.

How far back can I go before it becomes apparent that none of it has any bearing on my service in Viet Nam with the 7/17th Air Cav, Germany with the 2nd ACR and Ft. Bragg with the XVIII Airborne Corp Artillery?

Sorry hon, but it is deceptive to promote the event as a "Tribute to Veterans" and not also state it is to help fund the good works of the CCRW.

Anonymous said...

Micheline - How do you like them apples????

Anonymous said...

Hinton responding to you is just a waste of time. This fight of yours with a group of women is just petty. This is all about your hatred of the party over the primary. All your comments about the CCRW are unfounded and you are wrong. Maybe I'm not a veteran but my husband is and you really pissed him off. He said when your name is on the Vietnam wall like his then we'll talk. If this is one upmenship then here's what I am. I'm the caretaker of a disabled vet.

K.J. Hinton said...

It's a waste of time, is it? Then why do you keep doing it?

Is it a waste of time because I was unimpressed by your temper tantrum?

You know as much about the sacrifice, the pain, the boredom, the terror, the anger of being a Veteran as I do about the birth experience.

In the first, you claim to be all that. In the second, I claim total ignorance except what I've seen and heard... much like your "veteran experience."

I defer to Lew Waters' take on all of this. And as far as that goes, you're a fine one to be questioning MY motives and reasons while simultaneously complaining that I did the same concerning your group.

"All your comments about the CCRW are unfounded and you are wrong."

Yet, you fail to point out a single instance where that's the case.

Everything else being said, your group is going to make money off a room full of Veterans and their families who likely believe that altruism is your guide and you're doing it ENTIRELY for the Veterans.

Little do they know.

I could give a rat's ass what you claim your husband said. HIS name ain't on that wall, and you seem really concerned about his take.

Situational ethics has been the political norm for far too long. But your comment here takes it to new heights.

And it doesn't matter who you take care of. I have disabilities service connected, Lew has them... millions have them. But unlike you, we had to serve to get them.

And that you take care of one or 1000 will never earn you the title "Veteran."

Lew said...

"Maybe I'm not a veteran but my husband is and you really pissed him off. He said when your name is on the Vietnam wall like his then we'll talk."

Micheline, would you like to try that one again?

I hate to tell you, but the only names on that Wall are of those who gave their lives in Viet Nam. None of us that pass away after wards will ever have our names added to it.

No living Veterans name is on that Wall.

I'll let you in on another little secret that seems to be missing here. You and many other board members are really pissed at Kelly and me both. We know it and we know why.

I, for one, don't really care either. You see, my effort, as I'm sure is Kelly's, is in bettering the country and the state, NOT the party.

Sorry dear, but the party is way down the list, country and state come first.

K.J. Hinton said...

I have to wonder: both Lew and I have heard our fair share of fake hero stories, Vietnam veteran wannabes, and just plain veteran wannabes.

But this mention of The Wall, and what it stands for points to, perhaps, the first veteran spouse wannabe I've ever heard of or seen.

No one who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States could not know what The Wall is for or how your name gets up there.

That neither Doan nor her allegedly 100% disabled husband seemed aware that the price to pay for admission to The Wall was dying in, or as a result of, service in SE Asia is extremely curious.

It's much like not knowing what dog tags or BDU's are.

Yeah... curious.

witchywoman said...

So, just how does one have their name on the Vietnam wall and still be living? Or could it possibly be that someone who is a member of our party, doesn't know what the Vietnam Wall is? Oh and why would the local Woman's group, have a fundraiser for Veterans and keep almost half the money when the public was not made aware of funding the same woman's group? Using Veterans to further the GOP's cause? You are not the first to use underhanded tactics.

Anonymous said...

How very disappointing to read this bitter discussion about what is meant to be a patriotic gesture. I don't know you Mr. Hinton, and I've never been to this web site before, and trust me I won't be back if this is the type of discourse that occurs here. I fail to see how you think CCRW is profiting on this meeting when you were told we might get $100 and we're DONATING $150 - (that's more than we're taking in)! I don't have to be a veteran to know how much I value my freedom as a God fearing American and I will pray for you as it seems you are a bitter unhappy person. In spite of it all, I do appreciate your service and I wish you well

witchywoman said...

Oh yeah, the Evangelical GOP does nothing wrong. I forgot. Since they do no wrong, they have no need to apologize. Some really Christ-like comments towards fellow Veteran on top of that.

What does the Bible say? By their fruits you will know them.

Old Proverb, birds of a feather flock together, kinda like Hedrick not telling people about money for a book was funding his campaign? He was promoted by the GOP too.

By the way, thank you for service Kelley.

K.J. Hinton said...

To the last Anon poster: the phrase "net gain of $100" CLEARLY indicates that the $100 remaining is AFTER they split the take with the DAV.

That is, the CCRW will leave this function with an admitted $100 in their purse. It's likely going to be considerably more, but that's a function of turn out.

If the CCRW stood to make nothing off of this, then I would have no trouble with what they are doing. But even Doan indicated that this was not the case.

Feel free to save your sanctimonious prayers for someone else. You post here, attack me, and then indicate you'll pray for me?

Find a bible. Look up the phrase "hypocrite." Then find a mirror to see one.

Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Are you people serious? We have CCRW members meetings on a regular basis, this one happens to be on our regular Thursday night and on Veterans day. So we had a speaker who is a Veteran and who volunteers with veteran programs, and we honored the service of those who are Vets. No making of "big money" on the backs of the poor abused veterans happened. You're just wrong there No one is profiting at the cost of Veterans. Why are you so desperately trying to smear a bunch of Republican women...why do you care so much? What is it you needed that you didn't get Mr? Most of the Vets I know are proud of their service not bitter with claims such as yours that they suffered more then anyone else and that makes them somehow entitled. You are just an obtuse ass who happens to be a Veteran .

Anonymous said...

Lew Waters, Witchy Woman and all the others here. 100.00 -150.00 = -(50.00) What money did the CCRW make? We gave away 50.00 more then the total money left after we paid for the dinners including the raffle ticket money. What profit are you people talking about? It all went to the Veteran guest speaker for his charity....every dime plus 50.00 from the CCRW...not a dime was made in profit. All the money from our members meeting held on Veterans day went to the charity What is your problem?

K.J. Hinton said...

OK.... the total net is anticipated to be $250, of which $150 will go to the PDX DAV and $100 will go to the CCRW.

Thanks for stopping by.

K.J. Hinton said...

To the Anon @ 9:31

I can only speak for myself and I am very serious.

This isn't rocket science; it appears to me that the organization is using Veteran's Day as a fund raiser for the organization. I have heartburn with that, due to the day and the fact that CCRW did not fully disclose the dispersion of the money. In fact, I had to get that info from the local GOP.

Name-calling seems to be stock in trade with you people. I have personally attacked no one there, yet every one of you commenting here attacks me. What the hell is up with that?

Can't anyone disagree with something you people do without all this crap coming our way as a result?

And how easy it is for people like you to leave anonymous comments on someone else's blog and then call that person an "obtuse ass."

Is playground histrionics one of the classes you offer to your membership?

In closing, please rest assured that I could really give a damn what you people think. I object to your organization's use of Veterans, of which I am one while you, with equal clarity, are not; to raise one dime.

I don't care that this is your regularly scheduled meeting. None of that has any relevance.

In the end, the mass-hysteria of those stopping by, the absence of even the remote possibility that as a veteran, my opinion and position on this issue just might have a tiny bit of merit and that you people really, honestly, absolutely could have handled this just the tiniest bit differently then you did shows what a close minded group of political bigots you obviously are.

There. See? I can play just like you.

While I recognize that "Hell hath no fury" and all that rot, there will be no more anonymous comments on this thread. You people all know who I am.... have the guts to identify yourselves if you feel so strongly about what you have to say.

witchywoman said...

I am witchywoman, you and the GOP knows me, I sleep with the Devil. LOL, his name is Waters. ;)

They used to love him, when they thought he could be used. They found out he speaks truth and now the love of Lew is gone, as a matter of fact, they tell politicians an candidates to stay away from him. Yeah, we are not as stupid as the Evangelicals think. I now say what Malin says, Gary Wiram is the GO-to kiss up guy, go see him.
I have spent much time furthering a cause that is very strong to me, and when I heard Anna Miller say to me, thank you for helping Chuck, I was stunned, it left me with a bad taste. You see, sometimes you can give your so called "heartfelt" intentions away with the words you use. After that, I began my separation and started understanding more fully that it is not about what anyone wants, it is about what the "BE THE PARTY" club wants, nobody else, period. Just like now.

Why not just say, hmm, looks like we made a mistake, yes this is the Womans club fundraiser, we are having a Veteran speak, half of our money will be given to him.

Evangelical = We are never wrong.

This GOP does not deserve strong Conservative activists. Let them wallow in their magnificence. They can not see our point of view anyway. It is like throwing peals before swine. Now where does that proverb come from?

I will not stand by and let you trash our Veterans, even IF their names are not on a wall, like your husbands.

Lew said...

Anon 10:12, if 100% of monies raised plus $50 is what was to be given, then why not just answer the original inquiry saying all proceeds plus $50 will go to the DAV?

Lew said...

I'm also going to add, in this discussion, on both threads so far, the only one to actually denigrate anyone's Military Service has been Micheline Doan with her initial attacks directed at the author, a 14 year US Army Veteran.

I remind Mrs. Doan, “A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The 'United States of America', for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'” (Author unknown)

Throwing out someone else's service and sacrifice's is a well known tactic of liberal who try to gain some mythical moral high ground over those who actually did serve at one time.

This whole discussion is over a political group, past good deeds acknowledged, indicating they would retain a portion of proceeds from a Veterans Tribute without disclosing that intent.

If that were not the case, someone should have clearly stated such and not decided to launch vicious attacks against someones Military Service.

If this is what the Clark County GOP has degraded itself to, it is little wonder they have such a difficult time raising funds.

A bit of introspection might be in order for the board members.

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