Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Election wrap up.

US Senate - Murray.

As I knew from the beginning, Patty Murray was going to win. and she ultimately did.

Murray had high profile dems coming in every hour on the hour, getting her literally millions in earned media. Rossi had little to no counter. She had a killer, if bogus, ad campaign that Rossi seems to have blown off at least in this neck of the woods.

As I have stated repeatedly, Rossi's decision not to announce until far too late... late May... doomed him from the beginning. His failure to point out the massive waste Murray was responsible for blowing tens of millions on in return for a few thousand in campaign donations allowed her to really convince people that her efforts to waste billions were, well, really in OUR best interests... instead of hers.

His failure to fund raise (LTC Allen West in the FL22 raised a million more for his congressional campaign then Rossi did for his Senate campaign) and actively respond to being Murray's pinata gave her months of open field running, unencumbered with anything approaching the truth.

Rossi has been a lousy campaigner. And nothing that took place in this, hopefully his last state-wide run, changes any of that.

3rd CD - Herrera.

Ridgefield Barbie was the beneficiary of an Obama-style campaign, utterly devoid of substance (since she had none) and as a result, like Obama makes me long for the days of Bush, Bab's will make us all long for the days of Baird... the democrat Congressman that she never had any reason to complain about.

Heck's only hope was to disavow the dem leadership and take a hard right. His failure to move to the middle and pledge to avoid making the same mistakes in his votes with Obamacare, cap and tax, and additional bailouts doomed him from the beginning as well.

Heck offered no realistic alternative to Herrera's empty platitudes. And as a result, he had no chance.

49th District - Moeller and Jacks.

Too blue, too deep, too dark. Failing to nail the Candy Man Moeller for his moronic tax, now dispensed with by an overwhelming vote via I-1107 was what cost any chance in the slim chance race. Failing to tie Jacks' mirror image voting record to our resident neo-communist Moeller's voting record, along with some serious underfunding meant keeping this one in the dem column.

18th District - Rivers.

You can't run downtown Vancouver positions in the 18th and have any hope of winning. Rivers' political massacre of Kampe only causes another question to be asked: will the dems waste their time and money running someone against her in 12?

17th District - Harris/Probst.

I didn't believe that Stonier stood a chance. Her political background made Jacks look like a raving moderate in comparison. The rag's bogus effort at character assassination against Harris went no where.

Probst was a surprising winner, but spending twice as much as your opponent, a typical incumbent advantage, got Tim the win. Next time, the tact to take is to paint his vote for the fringe left leadership as the problem instead of getting caught up in the minutia of his voting record.

County Commissioner - Stuart.

Steve "Easy Money" Stuart tattooed a bull's eye on his political chest as he mouthed off about David Madore trying to "buy an election" as if David Barnett hadn't spent $100,000 to buy Stuart. Rank hypocrisy aside, Al Svehaug ran what almost amounted to a phantom campaign. If Notolls .com had the least amount of competence, Stuart would be packing, since he won by the huge margin of... 51.22% to Svehaug's 48.62%.

A solid right break and Stuart would have been history.

A major part of the blame here rests with the failure of the local GOP to secure a candidate late last year... and alleged Republican Commissioner Marc Boldt's tit-for-tat endorsment of Stuart didn't help.

And that's just a shame. Next time, Easy.

County Prosecutor - Golik.

Golik is a union thug. The unions lined up behind him; he lied to the staff about their impending firing if Boger got elected; the rag ran a bunch of articles designed to get their slimeball elected. Boger miscalculated by failing to provide a vision of why people should vote for him. I certainly misread the depth of disdain for union punks, and Golik used the Storo case to get his name out there while the cancer on our society needed to constantly replace their kneepads, worn out in front of this clown to get him elected.

County Assessor - VanNortwick.

Peter VanNortwick was the only qualified candidate TO run. Brancaccio's hatred of the man, resulting from Don Benton's support of his candidacy, resulted in some of the scummiest "journalism" concerning someone else to date.

Even Peter's opponent's failure to vote for the ENTIRETY OF HER LIFE wasn't enough to get the stain to withdraw their endorsement. In the end, they wound up looking like idiots, and Peter won going away... by a bigger margin then Easy Money's win.

County Clerk - Weber.

Scott Weber's opponent was another union thug who repeatedly violated campaign laws with her bizarre signs... yet another protracted abuse of the law that made no difference to the rag.

Weber ran on a unique platform of doing everything he could to eliminate his job as an elected position. Worked for me.

County Treasurer - Lasher.

What was the name of the guy running against him again?

County Sheriff - Lucas.

If Gary were in a wheel chair, he'd still get the gig.

He did nothing to help any other candidate... but hey, what can you expect?

These were the races I picked. I got 11 out of 13. Better luck next time!

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