Thursday, November 04, 2010

Brancaccio's new hobby: beating the hell out of those who oppose him.

Brent Boger's biggest problem is the same as mine: We both are Republicans.

Lou Brancaccio, responsible for the more Nazi tendencies of the local Democratian, made sure that Boger, who had committed the Cardinal sin of running the local GOP, was stomped into the ground. He did that by selective censorship, by utilizing the institutional double standard that is his paper's hallmark of attacking those wise enough to oppose his Hitlerian vision for the people of SW Washington. And he's doing it now that Brent has lost to Hollywood Union Golik.

Boger lost. He lost in part because Brancaccio buried allegations of prosecutorial misconduct that were as relevant to this election as Hollywood Union Thug Golik's grandstanding on the Storo case, a case where this rag engaged in literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of in-kind contributions for free political advertising.

The rag became the local dem party newsletter, ignoring the issues that made their candidates look bad, engaging in rank bigotry in the case of Van Nortwick, who thankfully is winning in spite of the birdcage liner's best efforts to trash him on every level; failing to find any real noticeable issues that made the leftists running unsuitable for election... failing, even, to withdraw their endorsement of Seekins, who they had ignored and then resurrected when Benton ally Van Nortwick was the top vote getter instead of either of the 2 stiffs the rage endorsed.

A commenter on Brancaccio's self-flagellation summed it up:
In the very article where you state that experience matters for everything in the prosecutor's race you state it means nothing in the race for Congress.
It is this kind of rank hypocrisy that Brancaccio is incapable of seeing or, apparently, understanding.

On one hand, when it suits him, experience is the cloak used to beat the hell out of someone. Brancaccio hides behind "experience" as the reason he needed knee pads in the general vicinity of Golik.

On the other, when they "like" you, like when they like Ridgefield Barbie, experience is utterly meaningless to this moron.

So, Boger had the good sense to cancel his subscription to this despicable cancer on our society. Brancaccio, typically, seems incapable of understanding why anyone would ever do that.

I have repeatedly stated that when scum like Brancaccio use their column to beat the hell out of those wise enough to oppose them, why on earth would those so abused stay around... or pay that slimeball to be abused by him?

Brancaccio seems incapable of getting that... much like the guy who beats the hell out of his wife, he's incapable of understanding that he's doing anything wrong... like a bully who knows his target doesn't have the wherewithal to fight back on an even playing field.

I don't buy the rag. I won't give them a penny, ever. But Brancaccio's obvious failure to understand that those he bullies not only have the right to get rid of his rag, but the duty, is the crux of the matter.

There are a wide variety of publications I won't buy, because I think they're despicable. I won't buy anything to do with a racial perspective... like, say, a white power rag... or something that evokes Nazi sympathies.

Nor would I ever buy the Columbian, since with Brancaccio at the helm, that same rank hypocrisy is the order of the day, so it's easy to confuse the two. The techniques are the same; the mentality the same, the hypocrisy and double standard the same... so why would I, or Boger, buy this waste of wood pulp when we, and many other conservatives and agenda opponents know that this despicable rag will NEVER have ANYTHING positive to say about any of us?

Why would any of us pay someone to beat the hell out of us?

That, of course, helps to explain why this used journalistic condom is becoming increasingly hard to find in the home of any conservative. And with Brancaccio throwing his childish temper tantrums, it will become even harder to find.

Cross-posted at Lou Brancaccio Watch.

1 comment:

Lew said...

On Boger's facebook page, even Craig Pridemore blasts the Columbian over this one.

"Craig Pridemore You still read The Columbian? You ran a good campaign, Brent. Don't listen to Lou -- they hate people who serve."

And, in reply to a certain Stephanie Thomson Rice he said, "Steph: When they support somebody, they're generally nice. When they don't, they humiliate, ridicule and mock. I think anyone who steps up to serve is entitled to at least a basic, human level of respect. The Columbian editorial board s...topped treating candidates they disagree with respectfully years ago, including to my opponent two years ago. They're contributing mightily to the decline in respectful public discourse in this community and I don't approve of it.

This was the nastiest, rudest, most mud-slinging campaign season I've ever seen and it keeps getting worse. In my opinion, The Columbian should model better behavior.

I was a 100% supporter of Tony Golik and I'm glad he won. That doesn't mean I think Brent deserved to be mocked the way he was in the paper today. On the contrary, I think he deserves to be thanked for giving people an alternative. There's no Democracy without choice and Brent, and a lot of other honorable candidates, provided that this year.

Thanks, Brent."

Brancaccio did not seem to like me calling him on his plan to write another whole column over Boger canceling his subscription.

Do they not realize they are only a commodity being sold to the public, if the public feels they get their money's worth?