Friday, November 05, 2010

Another example of the Democratian's double-standard.

As we all know, the Democratian abandoned any pretense of fair journalism and worked real hard to get a slimy union thug elected prosecutor.

In writing about Hollywood Tony Golik like they were getting a check every week, the rag proceeded to bury "mere allegations" of serious prosecutorial misconduct, advising Hollywood's opponent to "take out an ad" if he wanted more coverage on the issue.

Typical of a Democratian slimeball to email someone that way.

Failing to focus on that issue led to the utterly uninformed electorate that voted that clown into office.

So, "mere allegations" are filed as ethics complaints in Battle Ground, and the rag does a full court press. Naming names, interviews, explaining it all. You know, kinda like a newspaper should?

So, with Golik, they bury serious allegations against his competence and integrity; but with the Battle Ground City Council, they drill down on ethics complains.

Go figure.

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