Monday, October 11, 2010

Will wonders never cease? Democratian-endorsed Seekins never bothered to vote. Ever.

As I pointed out earlier today, democrat Assessor candidate Janet Seekins has blown off her duty to vote... for her entire life.

Seekins, 53, has never had the urge to vote. Now, she lies about it by telling us she "...registered to vote in April because she knew she would want to vote for assessor in this fall’s election..." when the rest of the world knew that Franklin would not be running for re-election because she was simply too sick.

The rank hypocrisy of someone wanting to be elected to something... who has never even voted, apparently up until last August in her own primary... cannot be overstated. Of course, the rag's duty is to withdraw their endorsement, given the criteria about great campaigns making up for no experience and bad campaigns being a reason to oppose someone's election.

Failing to ever vote is as rank a disqualifier as I can possibly imagine. Seekins should announce her withdrawal from the ballot. She won't of course. But she should. Now, the fish wrapper knows what they should do.

The only question is this:

Will they? Or will their blind hatred for any Benton-endorsed candidate for anything keep them from doing the right thing?

Gee. I guess I won't hold my breath.


Anonymous said...

Remember, this is the same paper that endorsed Herrera solely because Denny Heck wouldn't commit to moving to Clark County. So I wouldn't hold my breath on them withdrawing their endorsement. Apparently, no lack of qualification, character, or ethics is too much for the Columbian. The vapid Herrera is exhibit A.

K.J. Hinton said...

Rossi won't move here either, as I understand it. HHhhhmmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Not anonymous, its not vapid, its Rabid!

Gr8mochas said...

So I guess the question that begs to be asked is why someone who has never been interested in politics would choose to run for office? What has happened that has changed her political ideology? To vote or not to vote....that is the question?