Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My proposed name for the "space" under the massive waste of a bridge? "Leavitt's Empty Head."

Are you as amazed at the bizarre behavior of Tim "The Liar" Leavitt as I am?

Leavitt, best known for running the "Campaign of Lies" for lying repeatedly about his position on bridge tolls, whines and squeals like a little piggy (as do his supporters) over that issue. sniveling that the issue is "out of his hands, and out of the city's hands" has no problem shooting off his mouth over an issue his babble has ABSOLUTELY no impact on: how people vote on initiatives.

Leavitt, who has already become the local political equivalent of Jimmy Carter in his buffoonery, has developed the fine art of saying and doing the wrong thing at the wrong time to a science. Going after local political philanthropist David Madore because he's smart enough to see the truth about the downtown mafia's bridge; misses no opportunity to express his political death threat.

Having the temerity to tell people how to vote on an initiative is just the latest in his vapid political moves... because if Leavitt hasn't learned anything (and it's clear he hasn't) he SHOULD have learned that we don't care what he says he "thinks" or "believes."

They don't call him "The Liar" for nothing... and Leavitt's opposition to these initiatives makes me more determined than ever to get these passed. because when The Liar barks... nobody listens.

So, in honor of his moronic tenure as mayor, I propose that the name of the "space under the bridge" that the city just wasted $50,000 to "plan" should be changed to 'Tim 'The Liar' Leavitt's Empty Head.'"

Cross posted at Tim Leavitt Watch.

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