Monday, October 11, 2010

Who I'm voting against in the general and votes on initiatives and referenda.

The short list.

Murray and Rossi

I don't believe either one should be in the Senate. I believe that Rossi has run a terrible campaign; that he started way too late and will ultimately lose and I have no intention of rewarding arrogance with my vote.

I believe that Murray is as dumb as a plank, has wrongly scammed veterans into think she gives a damn about us, has helped the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House spend us into oblivion.

I will write in someone here.


My cocker spaniel has spent more time in this district over the past 13 years (and he's a puppy) and with Herrera having everything handed to her on a silver platter, from the conspiracy that gave her the appointment to the state house where she did absolutely nothing besides co-sponsor and support SEIU legislation while selling us out to the left by emptying the last of our state emergency fund to help them spend our money to the despicable campaign ran by those who own Herrera, she has proven herself to be the worst we have to offer, and not the best. I will not reward an empty-suited puppet with my vote.

I will likely write in either my dog's name or Chris Boyd... though I'm leaning to the symbolism of my dog over the obvious substance and integrity of Boyd.

Probst and Stonier (If I were in the 17th)

Probst, while claiming to be a fiscal conservative, is unfortunately for him, a vote for the fringe-leftist whack jobs that run the House who helped jack our taxes up some $800 million during the last session... and that matters a great deal more than his individual positions.

Stonier was an Obama delegate at the National Fringe Nutter Convention. She supports the income tax and every other leftist item on the agenda if she supported a whack job like Obama. As a result, she's unfit for elective office and she would also join with Probst in returning the fringe left, screw the people tax and spenders to House leadership if she were elected.

Moeller and Jacks (If I were in the 49th)

Moeller is as far left as we can possibly imagine. HE IS PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CANDY TAX... a fact that local rag wants to keep from you. There is no tax or fee increase he does not support, and would do all he could to expand funding his various leftist causes. Both he and Jacks also support the unnecessary, unneeded and hugely expensive loot rail project. Both support the state income tax. Both oppose privatization. Both are wrong on all of the initiatives.

Jacks does not APPEAR to be as far to the fringe... but the one measure that matters is his voting record: and it mirrors that of Moeller, where in hundreds of votes, he seems to have only disagreed with Moeller on 4 votes. Four. That makes Jacks as much a fringer as Moeller.

Electing either also amounts to yet another vote for the fringe leftist, Seattle-centric leadership that has spent us into another multi-billion dollar deficit. Neither should be elected.


Kampe supports the bridge and tolling. He supports all of Moeller's positions. He is a mirror on the initiatives of the democrats in the 49th.

He dresses himself up as some sort of fiscal conservative, but no fiscal conservative could support a multi-billion dollar increase in revenue to the state like Kampe does. He should not be elected.


Stuart is the most obviously corrupt politician locally. He supports the I-5 loot rail project, has no problem stuffing tolls he won't have to pay down our throats on BOTH bridges; he opposes a county-wide advisory vote (as does fake Republican Marc Boldt) has the wrong positions (leftist) on the initiatives and is only in office because David Barnett bought him outright when he ran against Tom Mielke 5 years ago.

He's unfit for any elective office.


Seekins, a leftist democrat, only ran because Linda is too sick. Until now, she's never bothered to vote in her entire life... and she's now 53. Is the rag going to do or say or write about this?

Seekins disrespects the process even more than Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, who also frequently blew off voting. Neither are fit for elective office, but Seekins in particular should withdraw from the ballot for that stupidity alone.

And Democratian... we're waiting for the story. (Finally done.)

Lew Waters has the details.


Is a democrat who has had the job for two thousand years. It's time for him to go, period.


Parker is a union thug's wife who has benefited directly from that connection. Her insistence on again arrogantly ignoring the sign laws, even after being warned by the state shows she's unfit for office. Combine that with her party (democrat) and she's toast.


Golik is a union thugs, and his support comes from union thugs and bail bond companies who want an in. I'm not impressed with either his positions or those of the rag who nonsensically tell us that he needs to be elected because he's a prosecutor now.

Bull. He's always been about the Benjamins, and electing someone who will immediately sell out to his union buds to pay them back, while failing to explain why criminal prosecutions are off 30% tend to show he's also unfit for office. Combine that with his election use of the Storro case... and, well, he shouldn't be elected crossing guard.


This is a yes.
This is a yes.
This is an obvious and absolute "no."
This is a yes.
This is a no.
This is a yes.
This is a no.
I'm a "no" on this.
Vote "yes."
There you have it. Ain't democracy grand?


Anonymous said...

RE: Herrera

We must include her famous quote: "Not once have you heard me critize Brian Baird's performance in SW Washington".

Mireya said...

Dude I know what you mean about Rossi, but seriously Murray can't win. We need to usher patty two shoes to the unemployment line.

Martin Hash said...

I would hope you don't "vote the ticket" because then it's not government - it's a sporting event.

In Peru (where I am right now) - politics is truly a "blood sport."

K.J. Hinton said...

I'm not a "ticket" kind of guy. For example, I would walk into a spinning Cessna propeller before I would vote for Herrera.

But yes, I admit that most of my support is going right this time.

What voters must remember is that when you vote for a legislative candidate at any level, your vote is also a vote for whoever they support for leadership.

So, a vote for Probst is also a vote for Chopp, for example. And in Peck-Probst, we get roughly the same fiscal conservatism with Peck, but someone who definitely will not be voting for legislative leadership from Fremont in Seattle... leadership that led to an $800 million tax increase and my business taxes going up 20% while my revenue has dropped off 54%.

Democrats have had their chance. They run the schools (which are a disaster) the government (which is facing multi-billion dollar deficits) and their unions have little concept of the phrase "shared sacrifice," first used in this instance by Obama, but rarely exhibited as a union goal... or a government spending goal.

And if that means mostly or all "R" this time, then so be it. And if the "R's" screw it up, I'll fire them as well.