Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Has Ridgefield Barbie managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? Latest poll shows Babs at only +2%

Perhaps being an empty suit with an empty head crosses party lines?

Jaime Herrera, who has spent the entirety of her adult life in politics in one form or another while lying about Denny Heck being a "career politician" may have managed to achieve the impossible: She may have managed to lose an election that should have been hers going away... snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The problem? Ridgefield Barbie is incapable of original thought and she makes Obama's reliance on teleprompters look like sheer genius in comparison.

And now? Well, it sure SEEMS that Heck's "got the mo"... and that the numbers are solidly breaking his way... when they need to.

At this point, I remain convinced that we will be the unfortunate recipients of Herrera's luck at being in the right place at the right time. But I'm secure in the knowledge that if she makes it (and that's suddenly a huge "if") her tenure will be short lived, and she'll soon be back in McMorris's office pouring coffee and answering the phone.... where she so obviously belongs.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.


Lew said...

What amazes me in this, is she won the nomination (by hook and crook) and enjoyed an early 12 point lead.

The RNCC has spent some $644,000 in ads for her while the Democrats have paid out $104,000 for Denny Heck.

And, she lost 10 points in the process?

Even though the poll was only of 400 people in the district and it is actually within the margin of error, I would have to say the numbers are going the wrong way for her.

But, as I said on August 18th, if the GOP loses this one they have only themselves to blame, no one else.

Reality Bytes said...

Ridgefield Barbie WILL be a ONE TERMER!

The Third District may deserve her, but why should the SMARTER citizens of Washington State suffer at the hands of this EMPTY HEADED COFFEE MAKING BIMBO!

Crashing her career will be PRIORITY ONE!

Congrats Third district for sending a Barista to Washington!