Thursday, October 14, 2010

Democratian never fails to disappoint: protect two democrats unqualified for office but endorsed by the rag.

The Pravda on the Columbia never fails to rise to the democrat occasion.

Most recently, they expended swimming pools of ink to rehabilite and protect our local Cowardman, Brian Baird, to try and save him friom himself.

They followed that up by effectively ignoring Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's complete lack of integrity when he admitted that he was a lying scumbag through out the entirety of his campaign for mayor by lying about tolls... except to make excuses for the little worm.

Had the reverse been true... had it been a Republican elected who had switched his position from stuffing tolls down our throats to coming out against tolls and this massive, unneeded waste of as much as $10 billion, these media slime would STILL be howling for his or her scalp, every hour on the hour.

In this election, they protected their Assessor candidate, who is completely unqualified for elective office because she has never, in the entirety of her life (and she's 53) ever bothered to vote. Instead of withdrawing their endorsement as a result of this obvious moral and ethical disqualification, they remain editorially silent on the outrageous concept that we should vote for someone who has NEVER voted for ANYONE in the entirety of their life.

I don't know which is more despicable.

And now, they bury what should be a front page, above the fold headline detailing Tony Golik's prosecutorial misconduct allegations. Instead of withdrawing their endorsement and demanding an investigation... what do they do?

Nothing but publish a puff piece where they then bury this pivotal information to keep as few people as possible from learning about it.

And what do these four have in common?

1. The Democratian "likes" them. If they "like" you, (And if you're a leftist bridge/toll supporter, then there is a 99% chance that they WILL "like" you) then the Democratian ignores their duty to the community they allege to serve by spiking, burying or ignoring information that gets in the way of their conclusions.

2. Three of the four have been endorsed by the Democratian, and if, God forbid, the three still in the political realm make it to the next election, all of them will be endorsed for re-election by the Democratian.

3. All of these have proven themselves unfit for elective office... proven to any fair standard that they shouldn't have government jobs... and that neither of the two running now have found their endorsements pulled.

Because that's how the Democratian rolls. They'd dive into a vat of boiling hydrochloric acid before they'd admit they made a mistake... and they'd certainly do breast strokes in that vat before they'd yank any democrat's endorsement.

Instead of making Golik's misconduct a single story... by itself.... they bury it in such a way that it's muted and the vast majority of the electorate will know nothing about it when they fill out their ballots.

And this is an example of why I believe the management of this rag is a bunch of leftist scum.

This is the same rag that trashes candidates they don't "like" as they act as the democrat's own PR arm, year round.

And the rag's failure to show some integrity; their failure to question Golik on these individual allegations, to force him to take a position on the deal that resulted in the rape and kidnapping of a woman in Portland; their failure to hold him accountable for his grandstanding efforts in the Storro case... all of these things make the rag less than worthless... and truly does earn them the title "Cancer on our Community."

Cross posted at Tim Leavitt Watch.

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