Sunday, September 12, 2010

Here's why I'm a "no" on 1098.

First and foremost, there is no question that this initiative is unconstitutional.

Second, it's a class warfare gig designed to increase the leftist vote in November.

Third, there is no doubt that the $200,000 ceiling is at least as secure as the $250,000 ceiling mentioned in the lies of the anti-American empty-suited racist bigot in the White House's pledge: in short, not at all.

Fourth, until state and local government employees and elected officials take a pay cut, I don't want to even begin to hear about needing more of our money to spend.

Fifth, if anyone doesn't already know that this nonsensical "$200,000" figure isn't worth the paper it's printed on is an idiot.

Sixth, any initiative the proponents have to lie about... like the gas tax increase or this income tax... should not be rewarded with passage.

That, of course, is the devious aspect of this scumbag plan. The slime behind this initiative know it, that's why Senior's ad didn't have the guts or integrity to even mention that 1098 is an income tax.

Folks, the issue isn't taxes, it's spending. The GOP has been warning for years that this outcome of massive deficits here in the state were the inevitable outcome for state government as long as we allow the union thugs to run the show.

Right now, there are three groups of people in this state.

Group one is the increasingly smaller pool of people paying the bills.

Group two is the increasingly higher paid government employees.

Group three is the increasingly larger number of people extorting money, along with the government employees, from the shrinking pool of taxpayers.

Group one has to pay for groups 2 and 3... groups that don't give a damn about the phantom "shared sacrifice" that Obama babbled about between the weekly White House parties and his golf games.

Twenty percent across the board pay cuts (Only 34% less then I've had to live with) for government employees at every level.

Twenty percent pay cuts for all paid elected officials.

The bait and switch tax cuts this crap pile spews are just that... soon to vaporize under an avalanche of excuses from the leftists who'll benefit. And as a small businessman who would save quite a bit from this fraud, I'm here to tell you: I am not interested.

If either or both groups don't like it, they can quit. I'm sure there will be no shortage of people who would gladly take their jobs at the reduced pay rate.

Some basic situational awareness; specifically, that society cannot afford moronic and idiotic pay raises like the La Center police department wants in the midst of this horrific recession.

Some remembrance of precisely who government works for.

And "No" on I-1098.

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