Thursday, December 10, 2009

Meet Deb Wallace: the first leftist sacrificial lamb in the 3rd Congressional District.

Deb Wallace has a problem. In addition to being part of the most clueless political party in the world, I mean. It's a huge problem, and it's a problem most local leftists, at either the legislative or wannabe congressional level have... a problem that it's likely impossible to overcome.

The problem?

Support of the unnecessary and unneeded replacement of the I-5 Bridge to bring loot rail into Clark County.

The people of Clark County do not want the I-5 Bridge to be replaced. The people of Clark County do not want loot rail. And you cannot win without winning here.

There is no reason to replace it. There is no reason to waste billions to bring loot rail in here. Thus, the 65,ooo commuters who will have to pay in excess of another $1200 per year for Wallace's project... a project she has personally wasted $100,000,000 in pre-ordained outcome studies for... will form the core of not only her defeat, but the defeat of ANY candidate who supports this massive and horrific waste of money.

This problem applies to almost every leftist in Clark County, but it certainly applies to Wallace, who let her own personal agenda trump what the [people of her district and this area wanted and needed.

And now, she's going to pay the price. Thanks for the open seat in the 17th, however. Another GOP pick up is appreciated.

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