Thursday, December 10, 2009

Did Herrera jump the gun... and the shark... by announcing last night?

Other discussions were taking place when State Representative Jamie Herrera (R-DC) got WAYYYYYY out in front of those discussions and announced on Politico that she was all in. The article ratcheting back her persona that she was being "groomed" for this by moving her position backwards to "considering" this run lends itself to that conclusion

Not so fast, Herrera. There are other, MANY other much more qualified then you to represent this district in Congress.

See, Jamie... to actually be a Member of Congress requires far more substance than a smile that's the poster for an orthodontist.

Unfortunately, that's all Herrera's got.

While she's never worked to get what she's been given, while she has zero experience, while she's never had a private sector job... while, in fact, she's done nothing except be a career intern... that's simply not enough.

That's not to say I don't believe she shouldn't run. On the contrary, I think she should announce and then resign her seat in the House. That way, we can get rid of her there... and then, when she gets hammered in the primary, she could just be gone altogether.
I'd also like to see Moeller, Wallace, and the rest of the leftist caucus down here announce.

They have no chance... Wallace is toast because it's too easy to hang the bridge and the wasted tens of millions around her neck; no one north of 39th would ever vote for Moeller.... Steve Stuart is over no matter what he does due to both his desire to jam this unwanted bridge with its unwanted and unneeded loot rail down our throats along with the corruption that got him elected in the first place... the $100,000 from David Barnett that bought Stuart like the 13th Amendment had never been passed.

Yes... it's gonna be a hoot to see which leftists line up to get their asses kicked... almost as much as a hoot watching Herrera getting beaten like a rented mule.

Who needs the NFL when you've got this?

1 comment:

Lew said...

Moeller won't run.

Barney Frank wouldn't like the competition.