Monday, November 16, 2009

Will the Columbian's idiocy ever end? In our view, Nov. 16: Pro Baseball? Here?

Among the many moronic plans this scumbag newspaper has for our community besides the economic black hole and massive waste of an unneeded and unwanted multi-billion bridge-replacement with loot rail, we can now add the stupidity of an unneeded and unwanted baseball stadium... at taxpayer expense, of course.

Here's the moronic money quote:

... There are three ways to view the notion of pro baseball coming to Vancouver:

No. Period.

Only if no public money is used.

Perhaps with public funding, but only if a powerful economic benefit is accurately projected.

We like the third view, accompanied by a believe-it-when-we-see-it caveat.
Of course these idiots would like the third view. If you demand that we waste billions, what's a few hundred million more wasted on a baseball stadium for a multi-millionaire in comparison?

But you know what? The money I would use to go see these baseball games and build this clown his stadium at public expense?

Well, THAT money is going into the $1300 per year in tolls these idiots want ME to pay, even though THEY won't.

And naturally these numskulls "like" the idea of building unneeded and unnecessary crap like a baseball stadium with public money; what projects have they slammed lately if they're built with public money and make Vancouver (the community with the second-largest inferiority complex on the west coast (Behind Portland)) look good?

"Powerful economic benefit is accurately projected?"

In a paper where figures don't lie, but liars figure: a paper where they've actually convinced themselves that the $4 billion or so they want to spend of OUR money for loot rail actually makes sense... a paper that stupidly and wrongly believed that a tax-subsidized Pollard Hilton was a GOOD idea, there are precisely ZERO numbers they won't believe if they add up the way this despicable rag wants them to.

Repeated lies about loot rail ridership projections. Repeated lies about the COSTS of loot rail. (A brief review of Sound Transit would show to anyone willing to read what lies can do) repeated lies about the economic impacts of the Porkulus, repeated lies about unemployment ceilings.... all without peep one from our local rag.... because, after all, they SUPPORT loot rail and they ENDORSED the Main Liar responsible for burying us in debt, so they wouldn't want to be held accountable for their stupidity... would they?

It appears to me that this rag WANTS this guy to throw some lies out there, so this stain on journalism can embrace them like it has so many others.

Naturally, like those morons backing the megacasino, those shilling for a baseball stadium paid for by a group of grateful taxpayers will assure us that the "investment" in question, precisely like the moronic Hilton, will solve every economic problem known to man. Of course, when none of the projections are met and we have to bleed MORE taxpayer dollars into this operation (see the Clark County Amphitheater) proving how bad this rag's "judgment" (using the term loosely) truly is when it comes to their view of "what's best for us."

Our waste of wood pulp has made the assignment to the idiots that want to stiff US with the tab for this idea: make up a set of numbers that WE think will make sense, and you'll get our powerful backing, millions of dollars worth of free publicity, and no end to the lies, exaggerations and distortions of anything even remotely resembling the truth... just like we did when we cheerleaded the lawsuit against the citizens to shut them up about downtown redevelopment; just like we do with any area democrat running for office; and just like we are doing in our effort to ram an unneeded and unwanted waste of billions of dollars down the throats of the taxpayers without asking them.

All you have to do is "lie" up some numbers, and, by golly, there we are.

There is no end to this rag's stupidity.

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