Monday, November 09, 2009

The Liars of La Center: Not even in office yet, and they're already trying to do their master's bidding.

Like a newly divorced man on his way to the alter with his new bride with whom he was having an affair while married, the LaCenter city council can't WAIT to bend over for the tribe.

Clearly, campaigns built on lies are the next wave, particularly since our great Supreme Court has indicated that it's perfectly OK to lie in campaigns.

First, we had the Liar-in-Chief. Then, we had Tim "The Liar" Leavitt... and now, the liars of the LaCenter City Council.

Continuing to shill Barnett's lies about the sewer as an excuse... a sewer that, once built, would find the entirety of it's capacity taken up by the megacasino, leaving NOTHING left over TO develop the I-5 interchange as their excuse, the council is chomping at the bit to implement the tribal plan.

When these clowns say they "don't see the harm" in negotiating, it's all because they don't CARE about "the harm."

The Nolans moved to LaCenter to ramrod this deal through as a way to get the Sheriff's department expanded. They don't give a damn about this community or LaCenter, as long as they think they can scam more FTE's as they act like Igor to Dr. Frankenstein.

"The HARM" is obvious, as even the act of negotiation breaks a previously unified front AGAINST the megacasino, which, come to think of it, amounts to even MORE lies from these scum, who TELL us that they oppose the casino, but have yet to show ANYTHING where they've acted to stop it.

Yes, LaCenter City Council.... talk IS cheap. And so are bought politicians.

Well done.

And, that they ARE liars is confirmed by applying this simple test:

Will these "negotiations" (which, in fact, will consist of the council doing what they're told) make it MORE likely, or LESS likely this crap pile will be built?

The answer to that is the answer to the "do they REALLY oppose the casino" question?

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