Monday, November 23, 2009

Comparisons between Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and Barack "The Empty Suit" Obama. Could a teleprompter be next?

The first one is obvious. They agree on everything, which is why the The Liar was an early endorser of The Empty Suit. I'm sure the fringe-right whack jobs with their situational ethics who signed on to a campaign run by local democrats (including the county democrat chair) are thrilled!

And how well THAT vision has worked! What a spectacular failure The Empty Suit has been, out-Cartering even the most hopeless moron to ever sit in the White House!

The second one is equally obvious. Both The Liar and The Empty Suit are consummate liars.

The list of Obama's outright lies dwarfs even his massive and false exaggerations.

With The Liar, the moment he started lying about his support of tolling the bridges (and he does support tolling BOTH of the bridges) as a way to replace (no matter how unnecessarily) the I-5 Bridge so he and his fellow henchmen can bring loot rail into the first few feet of Vancouver; he totally became Obama's shadow.

And his last second, late surprise package of trying to force everyone alive in a 3 county area to pay for a bridge and light rail we don't need by raising ALL of our property taxes.... why, that was the master stroke! It's the same thing as the moron in the White House scamming us all in health care!

The only thing missing from the package, besides a Klingon princess wife, is a teleprompter or two.

But The Liar couldn't be THAT stupid, could he? I mean, then I'd change his dwarfish little name to TelePrompter Timmy... and wouldn't THAT be rich?

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