Sunday, October 04, 2009

More pro-bridge propaganda from our local waste of wood pulp.

There are a wide variety of realities out there concerning our erstwhile stain on the science of journalism's efforts to ignore the will of the people of this community when it comes to their pet project: namely, the unneeded, unwanted, and massively opposed I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project.

. Reality One: Our current I-5 bridge does not require replacement.

Replacing this bridge is a huge waste of money because the current bridge works perfectly well and has been declared "safe" by the Region 6 DOT Administrator, Don Wagner. This in the face of the local rag's despicable lies and exaggerations they rely on to try and persuade us that THEY, and THEY alone know what's best for us.

. Reality Two: The ENTIRE reason to replace the perfectly safe and functional I-5 Bridge is, start to finish, to get the camel's nose under the tent flap of Portland's loot rail into Clark County.

The ONLY reason to replace a bridge that doesn't NEED replacement is to bring loot rail into Clark County.

Thus, those shilling this garbage are willing to waste $4 to, ultimately, $8 BILLION or more of OUR money to bring in THEIR loot rail.

. Reality Three: Those screaming the loudest to make this project happen.... won't have to pay for it.

That's right. The scum demanding this project; the leaders of government in Vancouver and our own birdcage liner streaming pile of hypocrisy will not be among the 65,000 plus commuters every work day who will ultimately be tasked to shoulder the burden of PAYING for a project WE do NOT want, that it's main cheerleaders will NOT have to pay for.

. Reality Four: The rank hypocrisy of I-5 Bridge cheerleaders.

Speaks for itself.

. Reality Five: There is no lie this despicable rag won't tell to get this pile of crap built.
One of the most complex subtopics in the new-bridge discussion has little to do with civil engineering. It has to do with money. It's the matter of tolling, and what this subject definitely does not need is knee-jerk "No!" responses from people who refuse to recognize that tolls helped build both of today's Interstate 5 Bridge spans, and tolls are used more often these days to pay for bridges in this state and nationwide.

What the scumbag who wrote this garbage doesn't realize is that the arguments against this massive crap pile FAR exceed any arguments for it.


We all get, save for scumbag Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, that this thing will not be built without tolls. We get that, in spades.

But since there is NO REASON TO BUILD IT, then there is NO REASON FOR TOLLS.

What our history of tolling is; what other states do or do not do, is absolutely irrelevant and worthless as a basis for US to do ANYTHING.

This despicable rag knows that. What others do to address there transportation problems is, most likely, based on the reality of their situation.

The reality of OUR situation is that the bridge DOES NOT NEED TO BE REPLACED, that the ONLY reason these scum want to replace this bridge is to bring in loot rail, that those whining the most about this garbage WON"T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT, and that the 65,000 commuters who WILL have to pay upwards of $1300 or more per year will do so IN ADDITION TO PAYING OREGON STATE INCOME TAX.

That's our reality. And those who have this "knee jerk" reaction that tasks everyone ELSE to pay for what THEY want are rank hypocrites when they try and play that card against us.

. Reality Six: They won't let us vote on it.

Odd, isn't it? The non-existent need for this massive waste of money is so obvious that you would think the scum cheerleading for this would be DEMANDING that we be allowed to vote on it so we, as a community, could REALLY get behind this project!

Strangely... on that subject, their perspective is clear: we don't get a say. And the why on that is obvious: while they are clueless idiots on arcane subjects like asking those of us who pay the bills if we WANT this thing, they can count votes like anyone else, and they know this pile of crap would be overwhelmingly CRUSHED at the polls.

Well, hell's bells, we can't let a little thing like the will of the people get in the way of wasting billions of our dollars, can we?

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