Sunday, August 09, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (VI) I guess he should have phoned in his vacations... and not his town halls.

This has been a very tough week for our erstwhile Cowardman... a week where he's managed to shoot to the top of my list of people I'm glad I ain't... a week where he's managed to end his political career, activate every constituent to the right of Lenin, alienate and offend tens of thousands in his district and millions across this country by referring to those of us questioning the messiah's plan as "Nazis" and "Brown Shirts."

Well, as it turns out, like many in Congress on both sides of the aisle, absolute power has tended to corrupt absolutely.

Like anyone else committing crimes, after the first time, it became progressively easier to do, as self-justification and self-delusion take over... along with a sincere hope that we're simply not paying attention.

Well guess what, Brian... we ARE paying attention.

You and your colleagues wasted a half million of OUR dollars so you and your wives could go on vacation.... and for a half-million, we get a SEVEN PAGE REPORT?!?!?!?!?!? Are you freaking KIDDING ME?

You and your colleagues wasted hundreds of thousands for your little jaunt to the Galapagos.

You sold out for earmarks no one needed.

You voted for the Porkulous and its 9000 earmarks.

You voted for bills you did not read.

You violated your own 72 hour standard because you lacked the guts to stand up to the Belle of Botox.

You been cowardly in your failure to oppose or even take a stand one way or the other on the criminal megacasino.

You've been cowardly in failing to demand a vote for the multi-billion dollar waste known as the I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project.

And then, even though your fellow democrats in this state had the guts to hold town hall meetings, you weaseled out offending every veteran who opposes this steaming pile of economy/nation-wrecking crap that you're selling.

You've carried that simple-minded, empty-suited racist bigot's water like Gunga Din.

Maybe... just maybe... you SHOULD have phoned in your taxpayer-paid vacations instead of your town hall meetings.


Local News

Saturday, August 8 10:58 p.m.


Cowardman Brian Baird D-Vancouver

A national publication's cover story about a Congressional trip to the South Pole is old news, said a spokesman for U.S. Rep. Brian Baird of Vancouver.

Saturday's edition of The Wall Street Journal featured a Page 1 story about a January 2008 trip to Antarctica by 10 members of Congress. As chair of a House subcommittee on research and education, Baird led the trip.

Saturday's story, written by Brody Mullins and T.W. Farnham, described it as among the priciest trips for U.S. lawmakers, at a reported cost to taxpayers of $103,000. That doesn't include U.S. Air Force flight expenses, which would boost the total to more than $500,000, said the Journal, citing Defense Department figures.

Baird spokesman Garrett Russo said Saturday that he had no comment, and that Baird was not available. Russo did say that there was no new information in the story, and that the trip report has been posted prominently on the Third District Democrat's Congressional Web site.

Baird's site has a link — — to his seven-page report on the South Pole trip, as well as a photo gallery.

In the report, Baird said that he was asked to lead the trip after a more senior colleague had to drop out.

It's a fairly regular stop for lawmakers, his report said: "Since 1959, there have been 34 official House/Senate trips to Antarctica under the auspices of the U.S. Antarctica Program," which includes $320 million annually for logistics and research.

More if you can stomach it.


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