Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Biden is a liar.

Oh, I certainly cannot argue that the inept incompetents running this country today are a group of clueless idiots who had no more idea what was going on when they saddled us with yet another trillion dollar debt in their failed, "unemployment won't exceed 8%" rip off then they do how to perform brain surgery.

His lies are thus:

During and shortly after the campaign when the empty suited idiot we have for president was scamming the unread stimulus into law by panicking everyone and talking the economy down, Obama repeatedly babbled that we now have "the worst economy since the Great Depression."

While that was just one of his many lies (There have been many economies much worse... most recently under Jimmy Carter) the fact is this: how can Biden tell us they "misread" the economy when they had already told us that the economy was, essentially, as bad as it could get?
"The figures we worked off of in January were the consensus figures and most of the blue chip indexes out there," Biden said.
That, of course, is his next lie.

THE CBO told the Administration that the porkulus package would not only NOT help the economy; it would damage the recovery.

If the CBO doesn't agree, then how can you claim "consensus?"

You can't.

I'm not an economist by any means. But this very blog is peppered with my conclusions that their program wouldn't work; that it was a massive waste of money... the Generational Indebtedness Act, as it were.

How is it that this outcome was so predictable for me... and so moronically beyond the comprehension of the idiots in charge?

So, knock off the revisionism, Mr. Vice President. History will not allow it.

Biden: ‘We misread how bad the economy was’

He stands by stimulus package, says jobs will be created in months ahead

updated 8:46 a.m. PT, Sun., July 5, 2009

WASHINGTON - Vice President Joe Biden said the Obama administration "misread how bad the economy was" but stands by its stimulus package and believes the plan will create more jobs as the pace of its spending picks up.

Biden, in an interview airing Sunday on ABC's "This Week," said the nation's 9.5 percent unemployment rate is "much too high."

"The figures we worked off of in January were the consensus figures and most of the blue chip indexes out there," Biden said.


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