Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mike Heywood stops by to comment on my post about his announced candidacy.

Mike Heywood, candidate for Vancouver City Council swung by and replied to a previous post written about two months ago. There's something of an irony here, so I thought I would share:
I was myself a little surprised the story about my candidacy didn't include a reminder about my sin of checking out porn sites while on the clock, but I expected it would only be a matter of time before somebody brought it up. My friends and supporters did decide to overlook my flaws, and so I continue active in the Democratic Party and theatre and such despite the presentiment of some that I should be consigned to oblivion and shame. In defense of The Columbian, the paper sat on the announcement story for a week after I filed with the PDC, perhaps to give the incumbent time to get in a dig. Mike Heywood
5:46 PM

This is an intriguing statement for a variety of reasons. To me, it speaks of the almost genetic double standard of the left.

Were Mr. Heywood known for his Republican persuasion, he would be savaged every hour on the hour by many of those self-same "friends and supporters," much like they savaged Republicans of note such as Richard Curtis, or Larry Craig or Mark Foley... while remaining essentially silent in the face of the actions of those such as William "Cold Hard Cash" Jefferson, and the oh, so prim and proper multiple adulterer Rep. Tim Mahoney, the now-ousted replacement for Foley.

Are these issues of character? Are these issues of morality? Are they issues of an inability to follow company policy? Are they issues of objectification of women?

That, of course, is for the individual to decide. With my years of experience in the political biz, though, there can be no doubt: if the show were on the other foot, the democrats at any level would exploit this for everything they could.

"Forgive" would not be in their lexicon, as the exploitation of every weakness, real... or perceived, is their campaign mantra.

That is not to say that GOP'ers; which I used to be, don't do the same to a greater or lesser extent.

What it is to say is that in the midst of campaigns of unimaginable vituperation; of campaigns where the character of a candidate's CHILDREN is up for assassination; in a campaign where the media has assumed a co-equal position with the leftist messaging organs; it is unrealistic to presume for Mr. Heywood that the issues, of which he is also completely wrong, would decide the outcome of his election.

That said, I certainly invite Mr. Heywood to stop by when the mood strikes and discuss his positions. The issue of his departure from the Columbian has been discussed all it's going to be on this blog.

But the issues are fair game. Links to those issues would be helpful, but are not required.

Thanks for stopping by, Mr. Heywood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've put a lot about my positions on my web site, mikeforvancouver.com. Given the tone and tenor of your posts, I doubt you will find much there to admire or agree with.
Mike Heywood