Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More from "Mikst," who also commented on my initial Kondrat post.

I am struck by the playing of the victimized race card.

My concerns are NOT and NEVER HAVE BEEN directed at the Cowlitz People.

My concerns are that they are being used by a powerful few as the cover for their criminal enterprise called the mega casino.

If one is going to discuss what I write, one should stick to the heart of the matter.

I have not characterized the Cowlitz People, ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. So, one has to wonder why this individual, posting based on his own "enlightened self-interest," insists on writing like I had?

Now, I don't hesitate to characterize MEGACASINO supporters and the union thugs who'll build this stain on Clark County and who only stand to benefit from this monstrosity while they damage my community in negative terms.

Particularly those who don't live here... which means almost all of them.

But some people are such pathetic victims that the "race" card and the "stereotype" card is all they've got to play.

When a racist bigot posts here, I'm going to call them out.

And that is what I believe we see here. So, Mikst... bring it on.

Mikst said...

Blood quantum is not a Native American concept and it was quite common for different tribes to intermarry among each other. It was actually a source of pride.

For many reasons blood quantum is a flawed concept and has nothing to do due with the character of people. It is tiring to keep hearing about this issue over and over.

Also, where do you get your information that David Barnett is 1/64 anyways? Why does this even matter?

A number cannot ever define someone's heritage. You are either one thing or you are not, it is as simple as that. Everyone carries the heritage of their parents and that is something that will never go away.

For example, I am Corsican (in addition to other things), just like my mother, her mother, and like my son is. No one in my direct family line will ever stop being Corsican, just like no one can ever stop being Native American.

I am sorry that most Cowlitz people do not fit your stereotype of the "leathers and feathers" Indian and that they were not willing to inbreed with their own family to maintain some arbitrary number.

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