...For breaking criminal laws that would have seen any of the rest of us being "Wesley Sniped."
As predictable as sunrise, the continued lowering of the bar by the Corrupt Obama Administration goes on with the exorcism of those pesky legal demons from Sen. Tom Daschles' closet skeleton collection. And today, we moved from Geithner's "honest mistake" to the more (Duh, dun, duuuuuuuuuun) sober "serious mistake" level.
Lacking even a pretense of requiring integrity and character from any of his nominees, Mr. Obama continues to show the same honor that made him so identified with stellar characters like Ayers, Wright and Rezco.
The left fails to utter a peep. The slime of the Senate will dutifully go along with the selection of this criminally and ethically-challenged waste of skin; the BOR's will most likely vote for him because to this point, backbone and Senate Republicans have rarely been seen in the same room together at the same time.
The deafening silence from those same elements who so loudly and passionately condemned President Bush and his Cabinet for 8 years for doing far less... the rank, reeking hypocrisy of it all.
Clearly, we'll be here no more of this "most ethical Administration in history" nonsense from Mr. Obama or any of those shilling for him.
My government disgusts me. All this "Hope!" and "Change!" crap... when our president is acting like Al Capone. Even the story headline reeks of cynicism: Obama considers Daschle issue "serious."
I put the word "serious" within quotes, because the headline is an obvious lie.
Good God... if this man had even lived up to a quarter of the promise... and now? He's a thug just like the thugs he wants on his Cabinet, a place where honor, integrity and ethics have no room at the table; a place where massive payoffs are the order of the day... a place where this man will put us so far into debt that generations from now, our children will be paying for his folly.
Originally published Monday, February 2, 2009 at 11:25 AM
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The White House says President Barack Obama considers Tom Daschle's tax troubles to be a "very serious" matter. But the president's spokesman says Daschle remains the right person to lead the Health and Human Services Department.
Associated Press Writer
The White House says President Barack Obama considers Tom Daschle's tax troubles to be a "very serious" matter. But the president's spokesman says Daschle remains the right person to lead the Health and Human Services Department.
Daschle expressed remorse on Monday about failing to pay more than $120,000 in back taxes. And Obama says he "absolutely" stands by him.
But White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said that Daschle had made a "serious mistake" that he then fixed. Gibbs said the White House is "not insensitive" to the news of the unpaid taxes by a potential Cabinet secretary.
Gibbs said that if Daschle is confirmed he will closely follow the ethical guidelines and rules of the administration.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Trying to salvage his nomination, Tom Daschle apologized Monday for delinquent tax payments as President Barack Obama and a top Senate chairman stood by him as the choice to lead the Health and Human Services Department.
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And that's the truth.
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