Saturday, January 31, 2009

More Rank Hypocrisy on the part of President Obama: Feeling the Heat.

Mr. Obama obviously has a lot in common with enviro-hypocrite democrat Al Gore. Mr. Gore is famous for his global warming fantasies, making tens of millions of dollars off said fantasies, and demanding that WE live like it's the Middle Ages while HIS house wastes as much as 20 times the amount of power that most families use.

Leftists are drawn to that kind of hypocrisy. They simply do not get what tools they are for the despicable leaders of their movement, so they just go along like the sheep they are. One need go no farther than the left's efforts at turning this into a socialist country by supporting Mr. Obama's efforts to bury us in his Generational Indebtedness program.

But this hypocrisy is one of the more reeking, stinking piles of the brand to date.

So, what's THE first thing The One does to the White House thermostats?

Cranks them up high enough to, according to Obama-apologist David Axlerod, to "grow orchids in there."

Now THAT is the double-standard of "CHANGE! we can believe in!"


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