Sunday, January 25, 2009

Leave it to the Icelanders: A simple plan to get us to agree to the Obama fiscal vision (Or as most realists put it, "Nightmare.")

I'm a cynic. Of course, anyone reading this blog for more than 30 seconds has already divined that factoid, but I admit it. Cynicism in this day and age of our MSM acting as if they all answer to the President's Press Secretary should, to a greater or lesser degree, become a component in us all.

I do not agree with Mr. Obama's bailout plan. I've been staunchly opposed to the scam known as TARP. The handling of the latter, wherein billions of our dollars were redistributed to banks; many of which have not, well, exactly chosen to use them as they were intended, has negatively impacted the former... and WHAT a surprise THAT has been, eh?

Meanwhile, President Obama is out there like a duck, outwardly placid but shilling his butt off to get congressional support for his latest fiscal fantasy, yet another trillion dollars to bury us with out here in the Hinterland.

Well, thanks to the fine folks in Iceland that have resigned, causing their government to fall (meaning new elections will be held to determine replacements... you've got to love a parliamentary, proportional representative system) I've come up with a way to get us to ALL agree to the Obama Plan.

The beauty of it is simple.

Our democrat-controlled government wants us generally, and Congress specifically, to support this massive, horrific waste of money. OK, fine: here's how it can be done.

1. Obama and the democrat leadership come out and explain, IN DETAIL, what the plan is... AND WHAT IT WILL ACCOMPLISH. By that end, I mean, where we'll be be in 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and so forth. That way, we will ALL get the chance to see if the plan is worthwhile, plus we'll have the advantage of being able to see in the future for purposes of financial stability.

"Where we'll be" to my mind means where interest rates will be, oil, home starts, employment, the stock market, 401k's, all retirement plans and the like, GDP and GDP growth and so forth will be if we do this plan, and what will happen if we don't using the same criteria. Obama's all ABOUT "transparency," right? (well, maybe he isn't, but STILL)

After all, our government HAS to know what the impacts will be... right? Otherwise, they're doing this just to do it, and THAT can't be true... can it?

2. When this passes... and if Obama and the democrat leadership (Obama, Biden, Clinton, Reid, Murtha, Pelosi, Emanuel, et al) are wrong, then they all resign from office.

That is, if they make these promises, and if, at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and so forth, they have failed to deliver... then they resign. Immediately.

What's not to love? Right now, these clowns have zero buy-in. They want all of US to assume ALL of the risk, while they share all of the glory if it works.

You want me to sign off on this?

Then put your asses on the line for it, just like you're putting OUR asses on the line for it.

Otherwise, they risk NOTHING, and WE risk EVERYTHING. As it is, they're risking our country. The least THEY can do is risk their jobs, like they're risking ours.

Simple enough plan, don't you think? Win - win and all that?

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