Saturday, January 24, 2009

David Carrier explains why he couldn't make it past "speedbump" status in the 17th District senate race.

I'm sure it hasn't been so long that we've forgotten David Carrier, the sacrifice de jour to Senator Don Benton in the last election (although, based on Carrier's slavish partisanship and political ignorance, perhaps we should forget him.)

Self-delusion is part and parcel of the commitment to be a leftist generally, and a democrat particularly. In a rather fascinating tome printed in today's Pravda Columbian, Mr. Carrier confirms his cluelessness with this sorry effort.

Obama’s appointments impressive

I attended several Senate confirmation hearings last week and was impressed that President Barack Obama’s Cabinet appointees are highly qualified, and are not corporate big shots, campaign donors, or political cronies.

They simply wish to serve their country.

Steven Chu, secretary of energy, won a Nobel Prize in physics. Lisa Jackson (for EPA administrator) acknowledged that global warming is our most serious environmental challenge. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar’s family has been ranching in Colorado longer than it has been a state. Attorney General-appointee Eric Holder stated without equivocation that waterboarding is torture. SEC head Mary Shapiro wants the banking industry to pay for its own mistakes. All three appointees to the Council of Economic Advisers are Ph.D. economists who have written extensively on labor and trade issues.

This is the dawn of a new era for our country, and I was proud to be one of the 2 million who witnessed its rebirth first-hand.

David Carrier

It's difficult to tell if Mr. Carrier's moronic take on these cabinet appointments is something he sadly, and incorrectly, truly believes; or if he's just a flat out liar. Clearly, if this crop of cabinet officials "impresses" Mr. Carrier, he needs to stay out of the political business.

No, I'm not suggesting he didn't actually GO to DC. I have no idea if he did or did not, and really, I could care less. But his judgments (using the term in it's loosest possible sense) on this matter reflect his idiotic political positions during his abortive effort to get someone to elect him to the senate.

Many of Mr. Obama's choices for cabinet positions ARE, in fact, the very thing Mr. Carrier, for whatever the bizarre reason, would lead you into thinking they are not.

Hillary Clinton... NOT a "political crony?"

(BTW, Mr. Carrier, I understand that campaign donors are limited to US Senate seats if they're democrats.)

Bill Richardson... NOT a "political crony?" Tax cheat and illegal alien employer Tim Geithner... NOT a "political crony?" Eric Holder, best known for getting fugitive financier Mark Rich and a group of Puerto Rican terrorists pardons from Bill Clinton, NOT a "political crony?" Arne Duncan, whose disastrous tenure as Chicago Schools Superintendent includes a $67,000 espresso bill and a system with utterly abysmally academic outcomes, NOT a "political crony?" Former Raytheon lobbyist (You DO remember Obama's pledge not to hire lobbyists in his Administration, don't you, Mr. Carrier?) William Lynn for Deputy Defense Secretary... NOT a "political crony?"

Look... I get partisanship as much as the next guy. But pathological self-delusion?

This is nothing close to the "dawn of a new era." In fact, it's beginning to shape up as a return to the days of Tammany Hall and the Teapot Dome Scandal.

Hiring crooks... giving them a pass when Republicans similarly situated would be crucified by you and others like you every hour on the hour is more like the "dawn of the know-nothings."

It is efforts like this, Mr. Carrier, that serve to confirm that the people of the 17th District acted wisely indeed in passing you over to return Sen. Benton to office.

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