Thursday, September 15, 2005

From the Right Corner: a few words about blogging.

Blogging can, occasionally, be a tough business. This blog, for example, exists only because there is a total lack of a conservative blogging perspective here in Clark County. If there were such a presence, I would cheerfully close this thing down and use my time for other pursuits.

Some here locally use their official blogging position as part of a recognized organization to assassinate, or attempt to assassinate, those they disagree with. They exhibit a false sense of outrage as they engage in their hypocritical conduct; guilty of engaging in the very vituperation which they accuse others.

That, of course, is their choice and their right. When I write, I at least have some evidence available to support my conclusions. While I might make a mistake, unlike some, I am more than willing to admit it.

Politics can be a vicious business. When it comes to “decency” or “shame,” the issue is a double-sided mirror.

Those who engage in false outrage to score points of some sort for someone, who make allegations effecting others when they have no evidence to support their bogus questions… well, they need to take a refresher course in the very thing they demand in others.

When I write, I speak for no one but myself. When someone else writes, representing an organization… a constant public voice, so to speak, that person is representative of that entire organization. When they allow that person to continue to use their platform to wrongfully and inaccurately attack others… well, you just have to wonder why.

I don’t wonder. I, of course, know. The individual in question has allowed his personal feelings to get in the way of his judgment, making him sound like a Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde acolyte. It is, in many respects, not unlike the hearings going on concerning Judge Roberts.

Sen. Schumer indicated that there would be a war no matter WHO the President nominated. That is a microcosm of this situation, here.

In this instance, this misguided soul would be doing through a bogus ashes and sack cloth act regardless of what was written here. It’s bogus, of course, because this guy has no more concern over this individual then he does any other Republican… a subhuman species to his ilk, to be sure. Absolute blind partisanship is that person’s God, the kind of partisanship that may, one day, destroy us as a Nation.

This blog at least OCCASIONALLY criticizes Republicans on a wide variety of matters. The rest of the time here is spent countering the typically nonsensical pap that site churns out. But rarely if ever is there a hint of criticism of any democrat for anything.

There has, for example, been total silence on issues like the Mike Heywood porno story. And why is that? Well, it’s because Heywood is 49th District Democrat Chair. And they actually do want him to become a Vancouver City Councilman.

I have yet to see one word on that subject from that website. I certainly have yet to see one word from their newsletter.

So, when it comes to the issue of decency or shame, I believe there’s a lesson out there for all of us. I have learned mine… but I’m fairly sure that someone reading this hasn’t learned his.

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