Monday, March 14, 2005

Union scum redux: UAW caves in the face of nation-wide outrage.

A few days back, I busted a cap in the UAW's behind for banishing Marines from their parking lot if they were wise enough to support Bush over Kerry via the bumper-sticker route or if they were smart enough to drive a foreign car.

The story is well known around the country, so I won't recap it here. Clearly, however, the goons running that union were hit in the head with the reality stick.

By Michelle Malkin
March 14, 2005 01:31 PM

Matt at Blackfive reports that the UAW parking fiasco that we first blogged about last week has been "resolved:"

I just received word that the UAW is backing off.

The US Marine Corps Reserve Battalion Commander had already made the decision to not allow any drilling Marine Reservists to park in the UAW lot - he thinks it's "parking silliness" and his Marines need to "focus on more important things". He's right, of course. His Marines are training for their next deployment.

Then, after thinking the issue settled this morning, the CO receives a call from UAW President Ron Gettelfinger (a former Marine) who told him that he just reversed the policy.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Marines refuse to park there.

Yup. The damage has been done. As Lt. Col. Joe Rutledge, commanding officer of the battalion's active duty instructors, told the Detroit News in this morning's edition:

"You either support the Marines or you don't."

Much like leftists claim to oppose the war in Iraq while simultainiously supporting the troops, I loath unions while completely supporting their members.

If I were a Marine at that facility, I wouldn't be caught dead parking my car in their yard. Because, at the end of the day?

"You either support the Marines or you don't."

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