Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Clearly, Sam Reed doesn’t quite get it.

A review of Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed’s take on “election reform” tends to show that he’s not listening and that, in many respects, he simply doesn't get it.

While I agree with many of his proposals, Sam has apparently failed to grasp the most important aspects of election reform. For whatever the reason, he has completely ignored the concerns repeatedly expressed during the “hearings” over illegal voters, cancellation of current voter registrations, re-registration and all new registrations requiring proof of citizenship along with proof of address no matter how the registration is collected… Including motor voter…. (which is not, after all, any kind of sacred cow) and designing a system to insure that felons do not vote without the restoration of their voting rights.

Further, the idea that counties should be able to go to an all-mail vote system WITHOUT proper identification processes concerning citizenship and address is begging for a system of fraud, manipulation and deception.

I simply cannot imagine why he ignored the hundreds of people and letters he’s heard and read that make these demands. His failure to include and advocate for the implementation of these common-sense reforms is unconscionable.

Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 a.m.

Restoring public trust in the election process

Special to The Times
Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed

The debate over the 2004 governor's race is an opportunity to improve the way Washington votes.

Anyone looking for a cure-all to the trials of this historically close contest will come up empty-handed. No single solution exists.

But passing a series of meaningful reform proposals now will not only overhaul outdated laws and clarify recount rules. It will also help restore public trust. What could be more important?


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