Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Are the neo-comms just the tiniest bit upset about the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth? Part Deux

On February 23, I pointed out that the "loyal opposition" was just the tinniest bit embittered by the successful efforts of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in torpedoing their leftist, lying, pathetic hero last November.

Today's episode in their little soap opera has them engaging in a few additional playground histrionics (and... a little playground hypocrisy) resulting from their hissy fit over the SBVT's involvement in the Social Security Reform issue.
"The Swift Boat Liars are nothing but a bunch of right wing thugs, and the country needs to understand that."
Again, Stilwell's hypocrisy, typical of the self-serving neo-comm, is his failure to apply the same standard to the "left wing thugs" of moveon.org.

Clearly, one man's "thug" is another man's hero.

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