Thursday, February 20, 2025

Fetterman staffers quit because he's daring to do his job.


Democrats, by-and-large, operate on pure hatred. We see it every day on media outlets... social media... and television. Families blown apart by spoiled rotten brats disowning their own parents/siblings for voting for Trump; cutting off their hair in virtue signaling crap (and on video, of course) hundreds, if not thousands of videos on youtube and instagram of screaming, crying demanding women who, having been programmed by the left to believe Trump is Hitler/Mussolini (Which is it? Nazi or fascist?) and spewing everything from literal death threats to suggesting they're going on sex strikes as if they were more desirable than the average armadillo. The usual media hatred has programmed so many as they refuse to tell people TO think as opposed to telling them WHAT to think. And we can see it in senatorial staff quitting their jobs for Sen. John Fetterman over policy decisions he's made (how dare he refuse to support hamas terrorist scum? Why doesn't he support the eradication of Israel?) and Fetterman's efforts to communicate with and actually engage in old school politics with a president in the opposition. How dare even a sitting United State Senator actually act like, well, a senator? How dare he leave the plantation?

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