Friday, June 05, 2020

The missing elements of the protest scam: Self accountability and self responsibility.

The hypocrisy of these "protests" (or, more accurately, riots) is this: the subjects of self-accountability with a heaping side of self-responsibility.

No, George Floyd did not deserve to die.

But what, in his life, led up to his execution?

A record of drug use, violence and prison intersecting with a bad cop.

Not only is no one mentioning his record in this riot coverage (or even more rarely, the fact that he was on drugs at the time of his death) but every ten minutes or so, the talking heads incessantly remind us of his manner of death. They push the victim narrative as if Floyd were picked out at random for this treatment.

Speeches by the dozens, the hundreds.  Massive condemnation for those who aren't in lockstep with the group hive mentality.

Look up Drew Brees.  Look at how he was crucified over his comments concerning disrespect to the flag.

Black athletes from all over jumped up and down on him like a trampoline.

He has, as so many others who fail to agree with the group think have been forced to do, apologized.  And back track.  And beg forgiveness.

The hypocrisy of all of this is obvious.  Because the missing links... holding YOURSELF accountable for YOUR own decisions is never mentioned by ANY of these people.  Being RESPONSIBLE for what YOU decide to do is never mentioned by the thug supporters generally and the left particularly.

Celebrities shoot off their mouths and blame everyone else (particularly the President) for the current conditions in black society.

But rarely to never do they ever question the judgments that have turned out so badly, because the failures on the part of the black community are rarely their fault and can, instead, always be attributed to race and the failure always being someone else's fault.

And when these "experts" discuss this (and being a black millionaire from sports by no means makes one an "expert") they never seem to discuss the root causes of these issues.

They never seem to have time to go to Chicago and work to end the black on black slaughter that takes place most every week in the Windy City and elsewhere.

No... they chose to focus on the relative tiny leak of blood from black young men that are caused by bad cops while they decide to ignore the ocean of blood spilled by other blacks.

Here's a clue:

One day, Black Lives might Matter to us... when they begin to matter to other blacks. And until these same hypocrites focus on the REAL root causes of these issues, I have no reason to listen to them babble for this excuse.  This excuse to loot.  This excuse to steal.  This excuse to burn.  This excuse to destroy.  This excuse to kill.

By failing to address the REAL causes of problems for young black men, they are acquiescing to the lack of judgement, the lack of self-accountability and the lack of self-responsibility for the actions caused and allowed by their black brethren.

Dead, you see, is dead.  How you get there is secondary to the outcome.  And while they mourn a man who has spent years in prison for drugs and assaults, they completely ignore the men and kids slaughtered by other blacks... not to mention black police officers killed by other blacks, like most recently in New York last Wednesday.

That's their choice, of course.  But I suggest that because of THAT lack of focus or concern, they have zero right to lecture us about this or anything else... particularly rich athletes who support the destruction... until it touches them.

There is so much more they COULD be doing.  Instead, their efforts to protect people are mostly limited to those already dead.

And that's a damned shame.  Because they COULD make a huge, positive impact on the black communities around this country.  They could educate those in poor communities, drawn to a life of gangs, drugs and crime.

But nope. Their "concern" doesn't extend past those already beyond reach. Instead of talking about hard work, focus, goals and how to be successful no matter how poor you may be or "disadvantaged" you may be.  Because they care SOOOO much. 

When the spotlight is on them. 

The rest of the time?

"Killed by each other?  Not so much."

The rest of the time, they've got no patience.  The rest of the time, if you say the wrong thing, they throw a fit and demand you be fired and your life destroyed because they, of course, are perfect in every way and never say or do the wrong thing.


Just google athletes and what many of them have done.  You'll see for yourself.

They condemn others, but avoid condemnation themselves because, well, you know, that's "racist."

If only they would practice some that self-responsibility themselves.  But that's likely to never happen.

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