Saturday, June 20, 2020

Blood on the hands of the Mayor of Seattle.

So, they finally got around to shooting people in the Seattle Insurrection and Cop-Free Zone.

Facts are sketchy at this point, but a few things are well known.

First, that the Zone exists because Seattle's mayor, one Jenny Durkin allows it,

Two, that the Seattle Police Department are NOT allowed in the zone, a failure on both the part of Durkin and her Chief of Police, Carmen Best.

Three, that yesterday a woman was assaulted and raped in the Cop-Free Zone and the Seattle Police, instead of putting a stop to it, waited until the scumbag rapist left the Insurrection Zone to arrest him.

In spite of the lies by Chief Carmen Best, that the Cop-Free Zone does not exist; guess what?

It does.

Best needs to own it... or in the alternative, she needs to toss whoever has ordered her to violate her oath and abandon the victims of the scum running this zone under the nearest bus.

Otherwise, it's all on her.

Like the attack on this woman is all on her.

Meanwhile, something even worse happened last night: 2 people were shot, one was killed.

Details are sketch at this point, but the entirety of that episode results with the Seattle Mayor having bloodstained hands. 

She bears responsibility for tat death and that wounding.  SHE allowed this Insurrection Zone to fester.

She is the one who sat by and did nothing about the illegal weapons being handed out to anyone who asked, a total violation of the fringe-left worshiped I 1940 that gutted the 2nd Amendment... but wasn't aimed at criminals... but instead, aimed at those of us who actually follow the law.

Videos of these guns being handed out are widely available.  She can't play ignorant like Washington's Moron Governor, Inslee, who lied about even knowing the zone existed.

Police are seen responding after a shooting in the CHAZ early on Saturday. Cops say they were met by a large hostile group as they tried to collect evidence.

None of this was necessary.  All of this rests at the feet of the fringe-left nutbag running the City of Seattle.

This was inevitable, as are more deaths, more rapes, more assaults.

And for those wondering, no suspect has been arrested as of the news I was able to get.

This is what my home town has come to.

THIS is why President Trump needed to act and while promising TO act, failed to do so.

Some of this, then, is on him as well.

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