Friday, May 29, 2020

The death and riots from the George Flynn murder.

Like 99.99% of the people commenting on the George Flynn murder and aftermath, I did not know the man or anything about him.

Except he was black, had been arrested, and had a white police officer jam a knee onto his neck in such a way and for such a length of time that Mr. Flynn died.

As I expected, the officer, Derrick Chauvin, was arrested.  Having glanced at Minnesota law, I didn't expect him to get charged with Murder 1:


(a) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of murder in the first degree and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life:
(1) causes the death of a human being with premeditation and with intent to effect the death of the person or of another;
I expected Murder 2 or Manslaughter:


Subdivision 1.Intentional murder; drive-by shootings.

Whoever does either of the following is guilty of murder in the second degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 40 years:
(1) causes the death of a human being with intent to effect the death of that person or another, but without premeditation; or
 However, Minnesota has a Murder 3 law, which can include the lesser, included charge of Manslaughter.


(a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.
It may very will be that 3 other officers on the scene may also be charged with one or more violations for failing to act.

But before the arrest was made, riots broke out.  And, as usually follows the pattern, looting (which was the major reason for the riots to begin with, IMHO) took place because, you know; what's protesting about racism when you can steal that big screen TV?

As you might expect for a political junky, I've read thousands of words about this.  Despicable reactions from the left (Who naturally, blame all of this on Trump) and the edict that they must follow the dictates of Rahm Emanuel, who most famously proclaimed "we must not let a crisis go to waste."

Reactions from many who support the rioters, the lootings, the theft, the assaults, the arson.  The complete destruction of upwards of 200 businesses, many minority owned.  The unbelievable decision by the mayor of Minneapolis to allow the complete destruction of an entire police precinct building.

Politicians remaining silent, except, of course, for the racists blaming the president.

I posted a statement from a black state representative who wondered aloud at the wisdom of rioting and how these actions move the ball forward.

Blacks in the discussion immediately called him an Uncle Tom, among other things, because he dared to disagree with them.  Always an adult way to discuss differences.  But then, it's fairly clear that trying to bridge differences isn't nearly as powerful as being able to steal those $200 sneakers.

Meanwhile, where are OUR elected officials?

Many of the local electeds, part of the Gellatly Cult, have so much to say in their righteous indignation about the administration of the local GOP.

But now, as our country burns?


Never let it be said that those allegedly representing us have an over-abundance of courage.

Questions remain. The typically unasked questions in situations like these, unasked of those in charge who have, as their primary duty, the protection of the public's safety... a duty they have clearly failed to carry out.

Why didn't the Governor immediately send in the National Guard?  Why didn't the Mayor require the police to restore order?  How can so many people think the President was wrong when, shortly after 1 a.m. Friday, he tweeted:
“These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts."

Tough, stern words by a president dismayed by the total lack of leadership in the area and the failure on the part of those who are SUPPOSED to stop these things from happening.  And, of course, absolutely on target.

A line is crossed when your reaction to this type of crime is to break out jewelry store windows and steal all the diamonds.

Those concerned about racism do not engage in theft to show their angst, because it is clear to a blind man that when you loot, steal, damage, burn.... racism has nothing to do with it.  Dr. King, who accomplished so much, never looted.  Never rioted.  Never assaulted.  Never engaged in arson.

He managed to get a great deal done.

But by failing to act and act quickly, all these state and local governments have done is to reinforce the idea that these THUGS will not be held accountable for the crimes they've committed.

Former Officer Chauvin SHOULD have been arrested THAT DAY.

That he wasn't, however, excuses nothing.  Justifies, nothing.

Those who wear blinders and focus on killings by police to the exclusion of all else are putting their finger in the dyke while the rest of the dam collapses around them.

Yes, there are unlawful killings of suspects by police.  MOST of the time, they get it right.

We had a case here recently where a mentally deranged, unarmed man was shot to death by 4 Vancouver Police officers.

This man was also black.  He appeared to be absolutely unstable.  He was apparently armed with sticks.  So, I'm not going to pound my desk or my keyboard and claim that police are always blameless.

Nor will I claim that there are NOT racist cops, mentally unbalanced cops, crooked cops or any other variety of police you might know of.

But correspondingly, others, who happened to be white, were also killed by police officers who happened to be black.

Did those officers in Chicago act out of racism?  Not likely.

He wouldn't stop resisting.  They tried everything they could and got nowhere.

Does that make the shooting justified?  I have no clue. The first shot fired seemed kind of random since the suspect did not appear (IMHO) to be armed or threatening.  The second shot took place with the suspect out of sight, heading up an escalator.

This case is current enough that it hasn't been decided as yet.

The reality for me is that there is no question that bad things happen sometimes and sometimes the police cause them... while sometimes, they're the victims.

And for those who do wear a badge, they have to make split second decisions that sometimes come out wrong.

Much like in many other professions.

So, as I punch this post in, riots are breaking out.  And the Floyd case is the excuse.  But as I see it and review the video and ponder... how does the death of anyone, for any reason, justify these riots?

Because at some point, society will say, you know what?  We've had about enough of this.

And those rioting will ultimately and painfully, lose.  Racism is likely to be the least of their problems.

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