Sunday, June 03, 2018

Is this why the local GOP hypocrite is going to continue to support democrat Boldt instead of Eileen Quiring for County Chair?

No doubt about it, Carolyn Crain is, by far, THE biggest political hypocrite to ever manage to avoid getting elected.

Since the election in 2015 when Crain set up her bogus fake-Republican PAC and other RINOs sold us out to get the disaster known as Marc Boldt elected (AKA Mr. 39%) county chair, it's been something of a mystery as to the why our local hypocrite continues to support the utterly clueless Boldt who has proven the county charter to be the disaster I knew it would be.

The hypocrisy that Crain reeks is based on HER allegations to claim that OTHERS are "NON-Republicans."

Crain has continued to make her support of Boldt over Quiring quite clear.  But is her hatred of conservatives that deep that she'd continue to express that hatred by supporting a democrat when a conservative Republican is on the ballot?

Of course it is.

Well, this got sent to me today as a possible explanation.

As it turns out, Crain took it rather unkindly when she was booted out of leadership of the Republican Women's group.  And instead of a engaging in just the tiniest bit of introspection, trying to figure out why it was so easy to rid the group of her particular cancer.

Instead, it seems she blames Rep. Liz Pike, Anna Miller, Debbie Larner and... Eileen Quiring.

So much for that party loyalty crap that Crain seems to task others with.

Here's the thing:  I am NOT going to vote for anyone who is corrupt.  I am NOT going to vote for anyone who has, or will, betray us.  I am NOT going to vote for anyone who lied to GET elected or lied WHILE elected.  It's pretty simple, really.

Crain doesn't appear to concern herself with those mundane issues, which, of course, is her prerogative.

But as long as she supports Boldt at the expense of Quiring?

Perhaps she should shut her pie hole about who is and who isn't a Republican.

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