Friday, April 13, 2018

Seahawks wise up: dump Kaeperpick and get someone else as Wilson's back up.

By signing someone named Stephen Morris, The Cancer of Colin Kaeperpick likely has to move on down the road since he won't act like an adult while being be determined to bring his peculiar form of insanity with him to any team foolish enough to sign this diva.

And yes, the leftists are upset, again falsely claiming that Kaeperpick has a "First Amendment Right©" that simply does not exist, in order to insult the millions of veterans and other Americans who believe he's a hypocrite and a punk who, frankly, just ain't that good.

Now, does that mean that Seattle WON'T still sign Kaeperpick?  Probably.  There are all kinds of ways to send a message in life... not just a blog.  And like every other player in the NFL, if Kaeperpick wants to play, he's going to have to learn to behave.

Will they cave to the local pressure?  Who knows... but this isn't a local sport.

Look, I could care less what this commie's politics are.  Before he straps on the uniform and after he takes it off, he can do and say whatever he wants.

But he loses any right to any political statement the team will not allow once he's IN uniform.

That's right: there is ZERO 1st Amendment right when you're wearing a uniform.

In the military, for example, it's a violation of Federal Law (Titles 10, 2, and 18, United States Code) and DOD Directive 1344.10, to wear a uniform to a political event.

Some reading this will think "That's the military.  That's different."

Actually, it isn't.

Let's take a look at the actual First Amendment, shall we?
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
The first word of the First Amendment is CONGRESS.

Thus, the First Amendment ONLY applies to the government and not to private entities.

The NFL has fined players untold thousands of dollars because of what they say or even wear.

For example, in 2013, RG3 was fined $10,000 for wearing, I kid you not, an "unapproved shirt" and in 2012, he was fined $10,000 because he wore the wrong brand of shoes AFTER a game was OVER.

The fringe leftist whining about Kaeperpick remained silent, of course... no one said anything about RG3's "First Amendment Rights" at the time because, well, they didn't exist in this matter.

And they don't exist in the Kaeperpick case, either.

Employers have the right to regulate employee conduct.  That right doesn't seem to matter to the left, but even they know that you have no right to do whatever you want, say whatever you want, act any way you want, regardless of the underlying motivation in an employment situation.

But leftists, being leftists, put all that aside for their convenience.  These same leftists are so terribly concerned about Kaeperpick's non-existent "First Amendment Rights" but will cheerfully support any efforts to shut down rightest speakers on college campuses... and who can forget the riot at the University of Washington when Milo Yiannopoulos was there to give a talk?

Any benefit Kaeperpick might bring has to be weighed against the costs of his juvenile idiocy and diva behavior.  The Seahawks, so far, have made the right call, because this guy puts political kabuki theater ahead of his ability to execute a run-option.

That's HIS decision, of course, just like it's the Seahawk's decision to factor his childish, idiotic behavior into whether they need the kind of headache this idiot will bring with him.

I'm not watching the NFL again one way or the other: I managed quite nicely without them last year and I will continue to do so indefinitely.

But people insisting that this clown has some sort of right to act the fool after he puts on a football uniform are merely a symptom of the pervasive ignorance in our society today.

Can Kaeperpick protest?

Of course he can.

On his own time.  And out of an NFL uniform.

But when he's on NFL time?

No such right exists.

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