(Be sure to read the article at the bottom about the new RINO gang of 8)
The scourge of the fake Republicans continues at all levels (Seen your GOP- State Senate property tax increases yet?) with this latest legislative abortion, this most recent RINO cave-in to the democrats on Obama's illegal executive order known as DACA.
Following the usual local RINO model of caving to the democrats on everything from massive, unnecessary tax increases to our own illegal alien support system, Senate RINOs just decided to reward these people for breaking our laws by giving them the full mean deal.
The RINOs are ignoring him. Like most leftists falsely claiming to be "Republican," they always go for the "settle-for" bill, or the "best we can do" bill.
The President needs to let it be known that if he fails to get the bill he wants, then effective March 5th, he will begin a systemic round up and deportation of these so-called DACA illegals and continue it until they're gone.
That's HIS leverage.
These clowns need to remember that this policy, which even Obama admitted he did not have the authority to do, is ILLEGAL. MAKING an illegal executive order magically legal though congressional action would be no more effective than the most idiotic action President Reagan took during HIS administration: the granting of amnesty to the millions here THEN pissing on our laws.
How has that worked out for us?
And the insanity of the RINOs indicating that they'd pay for/build a wall over the next decade is an obvious set up to kill the wall altogether... as the funding and the construction would surely die a death of a thousand cuts as these same RINOs would then set about to delay funding and use other legislative kabuki theater to keep the wall from EVER being built.
The President may have been born on a Saturday... but it wasn't LAST Saturday.
But then, RINOs at all levels count on us being stupid.
Sadly, far too often, they've been right. That's how our own disgrace of a state senator, Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers was reelected.
The President has the leverage here... and it's a hell of a lot more than a veto threat.
The question is this: does he have the testicular fortitude to use it?
The scourge of the fake Republicans continues at all levels (Seen your GOP- State Senate property tax increases yet?) with this latest legislative abortion, this most recent RINO cave-in to the democrats on Obama's illegal executive order known as DACA.
Following the usual local RINO model of caving to the democrats on everything from massive, unnecessary tax increases to our own illegal alien support system, Senate RINOs just decided to reward these people for breaking our laws by giving them the full mean deal.
A bipartisan group of senators reached a deal on immigration Wednesday as President Trump attempted to preemptively undercut the proposal by delivering an ultimatum: Pass my plan or risk a veto.
The self-dubbed “Common Sense Caucus” of senators late Wednesday circulated legislation that would fulfill Trump’s calls to grant legal status to 1.8 million young immigrants and would appropriate $25 billion for southern border security construction projects over the next decade — not immediately, as Trump wants. The bill also would curb family-based immigration programs, but not to the extent Trump is seeking, and would not end a diversity visa lottery program that he wants eliminated.Exclusive of the obvious fact that these illegals should be deported, the President HAS made it clear what his priorities are.
The RINOs are ignoring him. Like most leftists falsely claiming to be "Republican," they always go for the "settle-for" bill, or the "best we can do" bill.
The President needs to let it be known that if he fails to get the bill he wants, then effective March 5th, he will begin a systemic round up and deportation of these so-called DACA illegals and continue it until they're gone.
That's HIS leverage.
These clowns need to remember that this policy, which even Obama admitted he did not have the authority to do, is ILLEGAL. MAKING an illegal executive order magically legal though congressional action would be no more effective than the most idiotic action President Reagan took during HIS administration: the granting of amnesty to the millions here THEN pissing on our laws.
How has that worked out for us?
And the insanity of the RINOs indicating that they'd pay for/build a wall over the next decade is an obvious set up to kill the wall altogether... as the funding and the construction would surely die a death of a thousand cuts as these same RINOs would then set about to delay funding and use other legislative kabuki theater to keep the wall from EVER being built.
The President may have been born on a Saturday... but it wasn't LAST Saturday.
But then, RINOs at all levels count on us being stupid.
Sadly, far too often, they've been right. That's how our own disgrace of a state senator, Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers was reelected.
The President has the leverage here... and it's a hell of a lot more than a veto threat.
The question is this: does he have the testicular fortitude to use it?
Meet the new Gang of 8: GOP senators push amnesty for FUTURE illegal aliens
It’s time to start blacklisting.
Eight Republican senators just signed onto Sen. Chuck Schumer’s, D-N.Y., newly introduced amendment to grant de facto amnesty to every single illegal alien of any age present in this country who has not been convicted of a serious crime. Additionally, it invites people to sneak over the border for the next four months to enjoy amnesty as well. The American people need to know who these people are. Call them the new Gang of Eight:
Mike Rounds (S.D.)
Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
Susan Collins (Maine)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Cory Gardner (Colo.)

It is quite evident by the pencil marks on the bill that Schumer wrote the bill but then filed it in the names of Mike Rounds and Angus King, I-Maine. I doubt Rounds even understands the consequences of this bill. Yet, this man who never ran on amnesty is now granting amnesty forever and shutting down all deportations.
Take a look at the final page of the amendment:

Penciled in at the end is the crossing out of 2012 as the cut-off date for amnesty and dictating that anyone who comes to the United States after June 30, 2018 – 4 months from now – will get de facto amnesty. This is extremely dangerous and unconscionable that eight Republicans would sign onto such a proposal. While the cut-off for affirmative amnesty with positive legal status is still 2012, this bill dictates that DHS shall “prioritize available immigration resources” only for criminal aliens (and not all criminals) or those brought after four months from now.
This essentially shuts down the deportation of almost every illegal alien currently in the country while simultaneously inviting in new illegals to flood our borders for four months under the promise of no deportation.
Think about it: even under current law when statute unambiguously dictates that all illegals must be deported, fake judges are granted judicial amnesty and saying you are not allowed to deport those who aren’t dangerous criminals. Once it is written clearly in statute that DHS SHALL prioritize only those who come later, the courts will invalidate every single deportation of anyone who came before that point.
This also means that all of the MS-13 gang members who came in from Central America in 2014 (and are still coming) as a result of DACA amnesty will now be free from deportation.
So much for the general sentiments of “dreamers” and “of no fault of their own.” We always knew this was a down payment to abolish deportations and national sovereignty.
And even the affirmative amnesty provisions apply to anyone under the age of 43. It is not just those who received DACA, but at least 3 million illegals and it provides a clear pathway for millions of their parents.
Now consider this: Senator Cory Gardner, R, Colo., is the man in charge of recruiting other candidates to run as…Republicans. The chairman of the Republican Senatorial Committee now wants to grant amnesty to every illegal here and essentially shut down all deportations in the courts in perpetuity.
It’s time for President Trump to walk away. And it’s time for GOP voters to pledge to never vote for any of these Republicans in a primary or general election ever again.
Game. Set. Match. We have no country left.
Mike Rounds (S.D.)
Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
Susan Collins (Maine)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Cory Gardner (Colo.)

It is quite evident by the pencil marks on the bill that Schumer wrote the bill but then filed it in the names of Mike Rounds and Angus King, I-Maine. I doubt Rounds even understands the consequences of this bill. Yet, this man who never ran on amnesty is now granting amnesty forever and shutting down all deportations.
Take a look at the final page of the amendment:

Penciled in at the end is the crossing out of 2012 as the cut-off date for amnesty and dictating that anyone who comes to the United States after June 30, 2018 – 4 months from now – will get de facto amnesty. This is extremely dangerous and unconscionable that eight Republicans would sign onto such a proposal. While the cut-off for affirmative amnesty with positive legal status is still 2012, this bill dictates that DHS shall “prioritize available immigration resources” only for criminal aliens (and not all criminals) or those brought after four months from now.
This essentially shuts down the deportation of almost every illegal alien currently in the country while simultaneously inviting in new illegals to flood our borders for four months under the promise of no deportation.
Think about it: even under current law when statute unambiguously dictates that all illegals must be deported, fake judges are granted judicial amnesty and saying you are not allowed to deport those who aren’t dangerous criminals. Once it is written clearly in statute that DHS SHALL prioritize only those who come later, the courts will invalidate every single deportation of anyone who came before that point.
This also means that all of the MS-13 gang members who came in from Central America in 2014 (and are still coming) as a result of DACA amnesty will now be free from deportation.
So much for the general sentiments of “dreamers” and “of no fault of their own.” We always knew this was a down payment to abolish deportations and national sovereignty.
And even the affirmative amnesty provisions apply to anyone under the age of 43. It is not just those who received DACA, but at least 3 million illegals and it provides a clear pathway for millions of their parents.
Now consider this: Senator Cory Gardner, R, Colo., is the man in charge of recruiting other candidates to run as…Republicans. The chairman of the Republican Senatorial Committee now wants to grant amnesty to every illegal here and essentially shut down all deportations in the courts in perpetuity.
It’s time for President Trump to walk away. And it’s time for GOP voters to pledge to never vote for any of these Republicans in a primary or general election ever again.
Game. Set. Match. We have no country left.
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