Friday, January 05, 2018

Hoff's issues page, typically Rivers-ish: a bunch of words that say nothing. (Except "When Rivers tells me to, I AM going to jack your taxes.")

This is the sad and pathetic waste of verbiage that Rivers made Hoff put up in the issues section of his web page.

One entire sentence devoted to "taxes."

It's sad and pathetic because it's a few dozen words which say absolutely nothing.

I suppose he had to put up SOMETHING.  But truly, Larry, there are times when it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people THINK you're stupid and a sock puppet than it is to post garbage like this and remove all doubt.

That Rivers made Hoff put this up is based on a read of her own worthless campaign verbiage, which also was a bunch of words that meant and mean absolutely nothing.

Rivers, of course, is a proven liar: she promised specifically to oppose gas tax and tab fee increases and she did.... until she didn't.  And Clark County has to pay $700 million as a result.

For Hoff's part, he doesn't even try and explain his positions or how he would achieve them.

Looking at his page you see worthless crap like this:

"Taxes" from Hoff's pathetic "Issues" page, just one example of worthless words designed to fool the voter.
The stupidity of the picture is obvious: who knew that STATE legislators had any input in FEDERAL taxes?

Why use a Form 1040 picture... is he stupid?

And his utterly worthless verbiage:
I believe that we already pay enough taxes within a variety of categories. I also believe that many elements of our state government can be examined with the objective of saving taxpayer dollars. My business background will give me the ability to dig into cost cutting objectives while making sure that when we spend money for essential services, it is done in a fiscally responsible manner.

To write, for example, "taxes within a variety of categories," is also true with its opposite: He believes there are "categories" where we are NOT "paying enough."

Further, this moron doesn't bother to tell us WHICH "categories" meet his definition of "enough."

In fact, the only thing he says about TAXES is that he thinks the government collects enough on some unnamed stuff.

Clearly, then, this idiot is GOING to vote to raise our taxes should he get the chance.  But then, to get Rivers' support he had to agree to do whatever she told him to do.

The rest of his babble is on SPENDING.

So what, exactly, does this mean?  Well, it means he will have no problem screwing us as much as Rivers, who is responsible for MASSIVE gas tax and tab fee increases along with the HUGE increases in the state portion of the property taxes we're going to have to pay as result of his puppet master's sell out to the WEA and the state supreme court.

Amounts in the billions.

This is the kind of pathetic, worthless garbage Rivers is known for because LIKE Rivers, the LAST thing Hoff is going to want is to be held accountable for any pledge he makes.  We sure know that Rivers HATES to be held accountable for screwing us on the gas tax, the tab fee increases and the MASSIVE property tax increases that she and that moron Wilson are responsible for.

What makes this worthless is the exact, same moronic crap that Rivers writes: a bunch of words that mean nothing, explain nothing and which fail to show us how he is going to protect US from scum like Rivers and her voracious. democrat, insatiable desire to rape our wallets.

So here's the thing, Larry: besides your cowardice in refusing to respond to my questions, you are getting bad advice from a liar and implementing it without a second thought.

You would THINK that someone of your "business background" would know better.

In fact, ask yourself this: if you went in to explain a program or a goal or a vision to a board of directors and THIS is the kind of crap you told them.... how long do you think it would take to get fired as a result?

Over the next few weeks, I am going to go over the other fantasies that Hoff call issues.  And I am going to hold him personally accountable for the garbage he allowed to be put up on HIS web page, even though we all know that HE didn't write a word of it and HE is just doing what he's told by the BIGGEST tax and sender in all of Southwest Washington... Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers.

Joe King would be proud.  Right, Ann?

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