Thursday, January 11, 2018

Burnishing her RINO cred, Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers gets into the baby-selling business.

In yet another sign that she has switched parties to the democrats in every imaginable way... save for a formal announcement and a press conference... Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers has once again shown her hatred of conservative politics by co-sponsoring the "build your own baby" bill, reducing the womb to a manufacturing plant where women can be paid to crank out babies.

Now, it's illegal to sell body parts in this state... and, to the best of my knowledge, in any other state as well. And yes, there are other states where commercial surrogacy is just peachy. Still in other states, it's totally illegal.

But Rivers, joined by RINOS Walsh and Fain, has cemented herself into the same category as the rest of the democrats who sponsored this bill, SB 6037.

For those of us in the 18th District, we have to ask: is this what a conservative Republican would do?

It's not unlike Rivers' betrayal on the $15 billion gas tax/tab fee hike she voted for back in 2015.

It's not just that she lied on the issue to get elected, pledging in writing to vote against gas tax and tab fee increases...

Partial screen capture from Rivers' campaign web site
...It's that the gas tax bill would have passed even if she DID vote against it... because those bending us over HAD THE VOTES, meaning Rivers' betrayal was completely unnecessary... and had she kept her word, the bill WOULD HAVE PASSED ANYWAY.

Her betrayal of Clark County (which put us on the hook for $700 million, or roughly $1500 for every man, woman and child living here at that time) and her district (which was massively opposed to her betrayal) was entirely unnecessary to the passage of the bill. In short, had she kept her word?

The bill would have passed anyway.

Our wallets would be getting raped just as much... (for example, each time I fill up my diesel truck, roughly $20 of the cost goes up to Olympia in fuel taxes) but not with her help.

That made her decision to screw us one of the most perplexing, inexplicable and unexplainable decisions I have ever seen made in the Legislature by anyone, ever.

And that idiocy brings us to the commercial baby business bill.

There are 28 sponsors to this bill. In the Senate, a bill needs 25 votes to pass. In short, the 3 RINO sponsors were not needed.

This, once again, is yet another example of Rivers exhibiting her true, democrat colors.

The bill itself is SB6037.  For more information, including the multiple down-sides to this effort, please read this article from the Family Policy Institute of Washington.

And the next time there's a ballot in front of you with Rivers' name on it for anything?

Remember this:

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