Thursday, May 05, 2016

OK. What happened? Why did you stop the blog and why are you now bringing it back?

I stopped writing for one simple reason: two local elected officials indirectly politically threatened people close to me... people who needed their political support... and the threats were based, at least in part, on my blog.

Recent events have shown that one of them has carried out his threat, damaging people in this community for whatever the reason.

Thus, the impetus to shelve the blog has disappeared.

Now, don't misunderstand me.  What these two have done and are doing is of no great surprise to me.  In fact, I anticipated that they would go ahead and injure those close to me regardless of what I did, while effectively blaming me for their own actions.

One of them actually seems to have taken the correct course.  The other is a nutjob who can no longer tell right from wrong and who shows a level of gullibility and malleability stunning in it's depth and breadth.

But at this point, there's precious little more damage that can be done then what they've recently accomplished.

During the time this blog wasn't being updated, that did not mean I wasn't writing.

In fact, I set up another blog to do the exact same thing I was doing here... but no one could access it but me.

So, some 60 or so posts will be coming on line after this one goes up... which will be in a few days from now (May 5)

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