Friday, March 04, 2016

When clueless idiots write LTE's.

Leftist morons have a great deal of cache' in the daily democrat.

Take this idiot, for example:
Letter: Weekly coverage is insufficientBy Carey Smith, Vancouver
Published: March 4, 2016, 6:11 AM 
Now that our five-member Clark County council is eliminating much of the “stupid stuff” that has been going on over the past two years, it’s time to look at the county’s newspaper of record. The Columbian served that function for decades until Clark County commissioners voted to switch that honor to The Reflector in Battle Ground. It didn’t seem to matter to the commissioners that The Reflector is a weekly rather than a daily paper like The Columbian. 
At the time, there was speculation that the move was in retaliation to derogatory stories printed by The Columbian. I am not a lawyer, but it seems such an action goes against the First Amendment section 1983, which prohibits governmental organizations from retaliation to individuals or companies for exercising their First Amendment rights.
What was missing, of course, is that the Reflector cost half as much or so as the daily democrat and that they, the Reflector, won the bid.

Also missing: where this move caused any difficulty or damage of any kind to the county or the people of this county in any way... unless you can call saving money "damage."

And the rank stupidity of awarding the contract to the lowest bidder as some sort of "retaliation?"

My God, leftists shouldn't be let out without keepers if they believe this garbage.

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