Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Today's primary.

For those politically attuned, all of the scenarios have been played out ad infinitum, so there's no point in going over them here.

The media will play this as a defeat for Trump if he fails to pick up all 5 states. (Today's efforts are Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina.)

As we have been hearing over and over and over again, Florida and Ohio are known as "winner take all," while the others range from "winner taker most" to proportional.

Trump is likely to lose in Ohio and win in everywhere else.  This is likely to be the end for Rubio, since absent a realignment of the planets it appears that Trump has Florida wrapped up.

While polling in Ohio is showing a Trump surge, early voting has been brisk and it's likely too late for him there... close, but not enough.

And that, of course will be the media focus if he loses.

I believe that Trump should be the one of those left over.

That said, the focus this moment is a concerted effort to blame Trump for the fringe-left whack jobs crashing his rallies.  That's nonsense.

That's as moronic as blaming guns for shootings.

While the scene in American politics is increasingly war like, the others all seem to be a different variety of that clown being replaced.

The clueless around here tell us we should gauge Kasich's fitness for President based on the outcome of today's primary.

"Those who know him best."

Thus, to be a RINO is to be ignorant.

Because if you apply that criteria to one, in this case, Kasich, you have to apply them to all.  Say, Sanders winning Vermont, or Governor Moonbeam winning California if he had ran.

We, then, are NOT best served by the concept of sublimating our own judgment based on the actions of others somewhere else.

Kasich is a RINO's RINO.  Thus, the attraction to other RINOs.

But the reality is that the GOP base is not interested in open borders and continuing on as an illegal alien destination resort.  We're not interested in leadership that bases their positions and decisions on working diligently to avoid " offending" people.

I WANT a president who will stop kissing ass.  I WANT a president who will stop bowing to others, stop using the military as a social experiment, stop raping us on Obamacare.

What I don't want is simply some version of more of the same.  And Trump is certainly not that.

Unfortunately, to a greater or lessor extent, the rest are.

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