Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sigh: the responsibility of Belgium and France and others for the Brussel's attack.

We all know by now of yet another terrorist attack that took place this morning; this one in Belgium... Brussels, to be precise, where at least 34 were slaughtered directly with more to likely come, and 230 or so plus were maimed but not killed... including at least 9 Americans.

At this point, some might say that Belgium is as responsible for this attack as a gun manufacturer is for the robber shooting someone.

But I was struck by a newsflash:  Post terrorist-attack, Belgium had launched a series of raids "across the country."

I was genuinely angry to hear that, because I was struck by the question: why did they wait until this attack took place?

Why didn't they do raids last night?  Or yesterday?  Or the day before? or the week or month or year before?

Is Belgium a snapshot of what the United States has morphed into?  Into a womb where terrorism grows?
Who bears the ultimate responsibility for allowing these cancerous tumors to grow?

What can be done about them now?  What should be done about them?

Ultimately, the only surely known answer is not ever going to be "nothing."

But when we look at these enclaves of lawlessness and murder and destruction, we have to ask what HAS been done about them?

The answer is all too frequently the answer we cannot have... and cannot allow:  Nothing.

There are two filters at play here: the filter we here in what is euphemistically called "the West" use to view the world and the filter islamists use when viewing us.

Our filter is what of the here and know. clouded by the niceties of what we call "civilization."

We are horrified at the things islamists do as a matter of course.

They have no qualms about slaughtering innocents, destroying lives, using women as sex slaves, have multiple wives, burning people alive, torturing and mutilating people and animals... murdering, raping and pillaging.

In the West, we recoil in horror at the very idea of it.  We turn away instead of facing it head on...  as if it will just... disappear.

It will not disappear until we eradicate it.

Those leading us do not want to face the harsh, stark reality.

As a people we do not want to pay the price.

As I have watched us crawl into our shells while covering both our eyes and our ears, I know... damned well... that we ARE going to pay.

The only question is when and how much.

What has happened in France, Belgium and Germany is at least partially the fault of the governments of those countries who out of either guilt or compassion or both have made the fateful decision to allow these things to go while losing sight of the unalterable fact that it is incumbent upon those living within their borders to accept the rule and authority of the hose countries they live in... and not the other way around.

Belgium engaging in "raids across the country" is something that should have happened months ago... years ago.  The establishment of the rule of law is not an option; and because these countries have MADE it optional... as ours frequently appears to be doing... they are not paying the obvious price for their intellectual cowardice.

I grieve for the people of these countries who have allowed their governments to victimize them.  But I also put at least part of the blame for these attacks and those to come on us... "us" being the West that's allowed it to come to this.

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